World Lit Unit 9

  1. 1. collaborate
    (v.): to work with another toward a goal
  2. (v.): to work with another toward a goal
    1. collaborate
  3. 2. contrite
    (adj.): feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing
  4. (adj.): feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing
    2. contrite
  5. 3. emulate
    (v.): to strive to be equal to; to imitate
  6. (v.): to strive to be equal to; to imitate
    3. emulate
  7. 4. enhance
    (v.): to increase the value or beauty of something
  8. (v.): to increase the value or beauty of something
    4. enhance
  9. 5. enunciate
    (v.): to state clearly and distinctly; to pronounce
  10. (v.): to state clearly and distinctly; to pronounce
    5. enunciate
  11. 6. evoke
    (v.): to summon forth
  12. (v.): to summon forth
    6. evoke
  13. 7. expatriate
    (n.): someone who chooses to live outside of, or renounce, his or her native country
  14. (n.): someone who chooses to live outside of, or renounce, his or her native country
    7. expatriate
  15. 8. frowzy
    (adj.): unkempt
  16. (adj.): unkempt
    8. frowzy
  17. 9. heinous
    (adj.): hatefully or shockingly evil
  18. (adj.): hatefully or shockingly evil
    9. heinous
  19. 10. impeccable
    (adj.): faultless; without sin or blemish
  20. (adj.): faultless; without sin or blemish
    10. impeccable
  21. 11. impound
    (v.): to confine; to retain in legal custody
  22. (v.): to confine; to retain in legal custody
    11. impound
  23. 12. inane
    (adj.): without sense or meaning; silly
  24. (adj.): without sense or meaning; silly
    12. inane
  25. 13. magnanimous
    (adj.): noble; generous in forgiving; free from petty feelings or acts
  26. (adj.): noble; generous in forgiving; free from petty feelings or acts
    13. magnanimous
  27. 14. sere
    (adj.): dry and withered
  28. (adj.): dry and withered
    14. sere
  29. 15. unctuous
    (adj.): exaggeratedly or insincerely polite
  30. (adj.): exaggeratedly or insincerely polite
    15. unctuous
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World Lit Unit 9
World Lit Unit 9