Two types of disagreements
Conflict management styles (5 Types)
- 1. Avoidance
- 2. Accomadation (smoothing)
- 3. Competition (Authoritative command)
- 4. Compromise
- 5. Collaboration (problem solving)
How to increase cohesiveness
- 1. Induce agreement on team goals
- 2. Increase membership homogeneity
- 3. Increase interaction among members
- 4. Decrease team size
- 5. Introduce competition with other teams
- 6. Reward team rather than individuals
Degree to which members are attracted to a team and motivated to remain
Stages of team development
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
- Adjourning
Open systems model of team effectivness: Group processes
- The way members interact and work together to transform inputs into outputs
- Communication
- Decision Making
- Cohesion
- Conflict
Managers roles in teams
- Supervisor
- Network facilitator - peer leader
- Helpful participant
- External Coach
Team Effectiveness is summerised by:
Quality of inputs + (Process - gains - process losses)
Two types of culture
- Observable culture
- Core Culture
Core culture (4 aspects)
- Stories
- Rites and rituals
- Heroes
- Symbols
Criteria for core values
- Relevance
- Persuasivenss
- Strength
Communication essential for (6 points)
- Establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships
- Listening to others
- Gaining the information to create inspirational work place
- Handling Conflict
- Negotiating successfully
- Leading Successfully
Types of Noise
- Semantic problems
- Absence of feedback
- Physical distractions
- Status effects
- Cultural differences
Rules for active listening (5)
- 1. Listen for message content
- 2. Listen for feelings
- 3. Respond to feelings
- 4. Note all cues, Verbal and non verbal
- 5. Paraphrase and restate
Difference between high richness and low richness communication
- High richness
- Personal, two way, slow
- Low richness
- Impersonal, one way, fast
Two types of conflict
Functional and dysfunctional conflict