embryology lab practical 2

  1. amnion's purpose and future/past
    • surrounds embryo buffering it from jarring
    • somatopleure layer from epidermal ectoderm and somatic lateral plate mesoderm
  2. albumen
    egg white, 88% water and glycoproteins
  3. allantois's purpose and future/past
    • membrane layer that forms hindgut, stores nitrogen
    • fuses with chorion to form chorioallantoic membrane
    • formed from splanchnopleure a layer from endoderm and splanchnic lateral plate mesoderm
  4. anterior intestinal portal
    • opening between closed foregut and open midgut
    • right below heart region
  5. anterior neuropore
    opening at anterior end of brain
  6. area opaca
    extraembryonic region still connected to underlying yolk
  7. area pellucida
    • inner extraembryonic region, separated from yolk by sub-germinal layer.
    • area is lighter and translucent
  8. area vasculosa
    inner region of area opaca where blood islands form
  9. area vitellina
    outer region of area opaca where cells contain many yolk granules
  10. blood islands purpose and future/past
    • beginning of blood vessel formation in area vasculosa
    • formed from splanchnic lateral plate mesoderm
  11. chorioallantoic membrane purpose and future/past
    • fused chorion and allantoic membrane
    • major function in gas exchange/resperiation
  12. chorion membrane purpose and future/past
    • lies outside amnion and protects embryo
    • fuses with allantoic membrane
    • forms from somatopleure
  13. conus arteriosus
    region of heart that receives blood from ventricle and delivers blood to ventral aortae.
  14. delamination
    • type of gastrulation in which blastoderm separates into two layers
    • upper epiblast
    • lower hypoblast
  15. epiblast purpose and future/past
    • follows delamination and is upper layer
    • contains ectoderm, mesoderm, and some endoderm
  16. four extraembryonic membranes
    amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allontios
  17. foregut
    anterior gut closed into a tube
  18. headfold
    undercutting fold of blastoderm in area pellucida of head region
  19. hensen's node (primitive node)
    top of primitive streak where notochordal cells are ingressing and migrating forward
  20. hypoblast purpose and future/past
    • follows delamination and is lower layer
    • contains extraembryonic endoderm
  21. midgut
    region of gut between foregut and hindgut
  22. neural crest cells
    start at crest of neural tube and migrate to become many strucutres many in the face region
  23. primitive streak
    • line along which embryonic endoderm and mesoderm cells ingress
    • like blastopore
  24. proamnion
    • region of area pellucida in front of embryo's head that is clear
    • consist of ectoderm and endoderm
    • mesoderm has not reached yet
  25. somites
    blocks of mesoderm that becomes subdivided into sclerotome, myotome, and dermatome
  26. somatic sclerotome
    forms vertebrae and ribs
  27. somatic myotome
    forms skeletal muscle for back and appendages
  28. somatic dermatomes
    forms the dermis
  29. unsegmented somite mesoderm
    region of somitic mesoderm that has not yet formed blocks
  30. yolk sac
    forms splanchnopleure a layer of endoderm and splanchnic lateral plate mesoderm
  31. telencephalon
    • cerebrum part of forebrain
    • intelligence and sense of smell
  32. coelom
    • body cavity in which gut is suspended
    • lined by mesoderm
  33. diencephalon
    • region of forebrain behind telencephalon
    • forms optic vesicles
  34. prosencephalon
    • is the forebrain
    • anterior most region of brain
    • contains telencephalon and diencephalon
  35. rhombencephalon
    • posterior most region of brain (hindbrain)
    • contains metencephalon and myelencephalon
  36. myelencephalon
    • medulla oblongata
    • sets of motor neurons
    • posterior most region
  37. metencephaolon
    • forms cerebellum
    • connects cerebrum and cerebellum
  38. mesencephalon
    • the midbrain
    • processing data from eyes and ears
  39. neuromeres
    • found in myelencephalon
    • each becomes different motor and sensory nerve
  40. neural fold
    • posterior end of embryo where germ layers come together
    • form notochord
  41. nephrogenic mesoderm
    form kidneys and gonads
  42. somatic lateral plate mesoderm
    • layer of lateral plate mesoderm lining the coelom
    • meets with epidermal ectoderm to form the somatopleure
  43. splanchnopleure
    layer formed by the splanchnic lateral plate mesoderm and endoderm, forms gut wall, yolk sac, and allantois.
  44. optic vesicles
    • evagination of diencephalon
    • form optic cup
  45. ventricle
    region of heart that receives blood from atrium and delivers to conus arteriosus
  46. vitelline vein
    vein comgin from extaembryonic region and enters posterior chamber of heart
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embryology lab practical 2