Flight Progress Strips

  1. 2
    Revision Number
  2. 3
    Aircraft ID
  3. 4
    Number of aircraft, type, and equipment suffix
  4. 5
    Filed true airspeed
  5. 6
    Sector Number
  6. 7
    Computer ID number
  7. 8
    Estimated Ground Speed
  8. 9
    Revised ground speed or strip request
  9. 10
    Strip Number
  10. 11
    Previous Fix
  11. 12
    Estimated time over previous fix
  12. 13
    Revised estimated time over previous fix
  13. 14
    Actual time over previous fix, or actual departure time entered on first fix posting after departure
  14. 15
    Center-estimated time over fix
  15. 16
    Arrows to indicate if departure or arrival
  16. 17
    Pilot-estimated time over fix
  17. 18
    Actual time over fix, time leaving holding fix, arrival time at non-approach control airport, symbol indicating cancellation of IFR flight plan for arriving aircraft, or departure time (actual or assumed)
  18. 19
    Fix. For departing aircraft, add proposed departure time
  19. 20
    Altitude information
  20. 21
    Next posted fix or coordinated fix
  21. 22
    Pilot's estimated time over next fix
  22. 23
    Arrows to indicate direction of flight
  23. 24
    Requested altitude
  24. 25
    Point of origin, route, and destination
  25. 26
    Pertinent remarks
  26. 27
    Beacon Code
  27. 28
    Miscellaneous control data, EFC, approach clearance, etc.
  28. 29-30
    Transfer of control and coordination indicators
Card Set
Flight Progress Strips
Flight Progress Strip Data Entries