CRIM 1170

  1. Corrections as a social concept
    • Corrections a social necessity
    • Has to incorporate "middle values"
  2. Corrections as a range of programs
    • Pre-Trial
    • Pre-Sentence
    • Post-Sentence
  3. Pre-Trial Corrections
    • Assesments
    • Holding cells
  4. Pre-Sentence Corrections
    • Pre-sentence reports given to judges upon request
    • Has a direct influence on sentencing
  5. Post-Sentence Corrections
    Mainly deals with offenders after sentence
  6. CJS consists of
    • 1. Police/RCMP
    • 2. Courts- Lawyers & Judges
    • 3. Corrections
  7. Corrections as a legal concept
    • Legistlation - CCRA, CC, CCRF
    • Policies
    • Procedures

    Laws & Policies give corrections the procedures they ARE to follow
  8. The General Rule of Law
    • NOBODY is above the law
    • All to be treated equally to a significant degree
    • CCRA outlines what federal corrections are to do
  9. Corrections Mission Statement
    • Outlines the general goals of organizations
    • Perfect world (borad philosophical goals)
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CRIM 1170