Chapter 73

  1. The common Cold
    • Viral infection that includes more than 200 known viruses.
    • Rhino virus is most common
    • Differs from "the flu" by intensity of symptoms
    • Symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughing, malaise(body aches) mild headaches, watery eyes.
  2. Sore Throat
    • Common with many respiratory track infections
    • Causes painful, dry, scratchy throat, low grade fever.
    • Can cause breathing or swallowing problems if pus in back of throat.
    • Also cause body rash or blood tinged secretions
  3. Conjunctivitis (aka Pink Eye)
    • Caused by virus, bacteria, or environmental allergens
    • Symptoms: itchy, red, sensitivity to light, photo sensitivity.
    • Highly contagious, viral usually clears in 2 weeks
  4. Acute Infectious Mononucleosis (Mono)
    • Infection of the Epstein- Barr virus: one of the herpes viruses
    • infects the salivary glands, is transmitted by droplets in saliva coughs, and sneezes. 
    • Greatest risk of spleen rupture during the second thru fourth weeks
    • Systemic steroids may be used
    • Fatigue and weakness last several weeks
  5. Lyme Disease
    • Deer tick carries the bacteria
    • Pass to human or animal by bite
    • Symptoms may appear 3 to 31 days after bite
    • flu like symptoms
    • Presents with ring shaped rash
    • with rash easily diagnosed and treated
    • without rash bacteria travels through blood, settles in tissue, begins to multiply
    • Appears mostly on the thighs, groin, trunk, armpits, and on the faces of children.
  6. Acne Vulgaris
    • Skin eruption caused by hormonal changes during puberty
    • Usually develops first during puberty
    • Blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cyst, nodules, and scarring characterize acne
    • most commonly seen on face, back, chest, and upper arms
    • Diet plays no significant role in the development or progression of acne.
    • Affects 85% of the population between 12 and 25 years of age
  7. Acne Treatment
    • Topical and systemic medications
    • Intense pulse light therapies for some forms
    • Serial treatments of IPL can reduce the size of skin pores
    • Dermabrasion, surgical means of smoothing the skin
  8. Impetigo Contagiosa
    • An infection caused by staphylococci, streptococci, or mixed bacteria.
    • Reddened vesicles break open and leave sticky, honey-colored crust, usually on the face and hands.
    • Highly contagious, Transmission Based Precautions
    • Good hand washing is essential
    • Keep infected persons towels and linens away from others.  discourage the child from scratching or touching infected sites.
    • Remove crusts with soap and water.
    • Antibacterial topical or systemic medications are essential.
  9. Tinea Pedis (Athlete's Foot)
    • Common fungal infection that attacks the skin between the toes.
    • It forms watery blisters in moist, weepy spots that burn and itch.
    • caused by Candida Albicans
    • Grows in dark, damp places and is found on the floors of public baths, showers, locker rooms, and pools.
  10. Trauma
    • Because school age children and adolescents are usually active they are subject to many kinds of injuries.
    • Fractures, burns, and other forms of trauma are common in this age group.
  11. Postural Defects
    Other than trauma most common musculoskeletal problems affecting school age children and adolescents
  12. Lordosis
    • An exaggerated curvature of the lumbar spine in which the pelvis tips forward
    • May be caused by obesity.
    • Also associated with hip dislocations or contractures
    • Is Accompanied by pain
  13. Kyphosis
    • An abnormal curvature of the thoracic spine that results in a "hunchback" appearance
    • Can result from disease (tuberculosis), compression fracture, or arthritis
    • Can be caused by pore posture
  14. Scoliosis
    • Lateral curvature of the spine (side to side).
    • Most common postural defect and is seen more frequently in girls than in boys.
    • Two types: Functional and Structural
    • Functional results from poor posture
    • Structural- is rare- caused by defects in spinal muscles or bone
  15. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA)
    • Generalized systemic disease of the entire musculoskeletal system.
    • Can lead to deformities, countractures, and impaired movement. 
    • Girls are affected more than boys
    • Presents as painful joint movement and subcutaneous nodules.
    • Child's growth may be arrested; malformation may result from uneven maturation of bones or joints
    • Treated with NSAID's
  16. Legg-Calv`e-Perthes Disease
    • Results from lack of blood supply to the hip joint, causing aseptic joint necrosis
    • Occurs in children 2 to 12 years old
    • Associated with low birth weight
    • Both hips may be affected but usually only one is
    • Symptoms include intermittent limp on the affected side, hip pain or soreness, and stiffness.
    • Stage I - Interruption of circulation to hip joint, resulting in necrosis of femoral head - Last approx. 1-3 weeks up to 1 year
    • Stage II - Depositing of new connective tissue because of new blood supply - 6 months to 1 year
    • Stage IIIa - Granulation of new bone replaces connective tissue 1 - 2 years
    • Stage IIIb - Regeneration and completion of bone growth; shape of joint fixed
  17. Dental Malocclusion
    • Faulty tooth positioning, which results in improper alignment of the jaws and teeth
    • Can cause facial deformities and difficulty in eating and chewing.
  18. Orthodontia
    • Correction of dental malocclusion
    • Should begin after permanent teeth erupt,
    • Between the ages of 8 and 12
  19. Malignant bone tumors
    • Less common in children than in adults
    • Grow faster in children than in adults
    • Cancer metastasizes by way of the circulatory system
    • Ewing's sarcoma arises from the bone marrow, and affects the long and flat bones.
    • More commonly seen in men between 10 and 20 years.
  20. Diabetes Mellitus
    • Most significant Endocrine disorder in school age children
    • Treatment includes insulin therapy, meal plans, and exercise.
    • Children can learn to regulate insulin intake according to diet and activity
  21. Diabetes mellitus type 1
    • Second most chronic illness in childhood and most common form of diabetes in children
    • Insulin dependent
  22. Diabetes mellitus type 2
    non insulin dependent
  23. Retinitis Pigmentosa
    • Characterized by a slow progressive, bilateral retinal degeneration that often causes blindness.
    • Night blindness is the first symptom
    • As the disease progresses the visual field constricts, causing tunnel vision.
  24. Juvenile Glaucoma
    • Abnormally high intraoccular pressure
    • May be caused by trauma, hemorrhage into the eye, tumor, inflammatory eye disease, or developmental abnormalities.
  25. Inflammatory bowel Disease
    A chronic disorder, most common forms are Crohn's disease and chronic ulcerative colitis.
  26. Chronic ulcerative colitis
    • Relatively common disorder in adolescents and young adults.
    • Results in inflammation of the colon and rectum
    • Most pronounced symptom is diarrhea, with weight loss, anorexia, and growth delays.
    • Can cause a delay in development of secondary sex characteristics if disease appears before puberty.
    • Treated with corticosteroids, or in extreme cases a colectomy.
  27. Apendicitis
    • Acute infection of the vermiform appendix
    • Abdominal pain begins in the periumbilical area and localizes in the right lower quadrant.
  28. Menstrual difficulties
    Delayed onset, discomfort, and altered patterns
Card Set
Chapter 73
Care of the school age child or adolescent