civil rights
government-protected rights of individuals against race, sex, national origin, or sexual orientation
Dred Scott v. Sanford
ruled that slaves were not US citizens and couldn't bring suits in federal court
Thirteenth Amendment
banned all forms of slavery and involuntary servitude
Black codes
denied most legal rights to newly freed slaves (beginning Jim Crow laws)
Fourteenth Amendment
granted citizenship to all freed slaves
Civil Rights Act of 1866
invalidated Black Codes
equal protection clause
in the Fourteenth Amendment, prohibits states from denying "any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"
Fifteenth Amendment
guaranteed right of citizens to vote regardles of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
Civil Rights Cases
1883, states could prevent governmental discrimination but not private discrimination
Plessy v. Ferguson
upheld the separate but equal doctrine
Nineteenth Amendment
guaranteed all women the right to vote
Brown v. Board of Education
declared separate but equal doctrine unconsititutional
Civil Rights Act of 1964
- -prohibited discrimination in employment
- -created Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
de jure discrimination
discrimination by law
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
equality of rights shall not be denied on account of sex
strict scrutiny
form of judicial review based used for race, national origin
Equal Pay Act of 1963
requires employers to pay women and men equal pay for equal work
affirmative action
policies designed to give special attention or compensatory treatment to member of a previous disadvantaged group
University of California v. Bakke
ruled that race could be a factor in university admissions, but quotas were unconstitutional
Articles of Confederation
- -no judicial system
- -biggest weakness was no strong central gov.
separation of powers
specified tasks for different branches of gov.
Article I of Constitution
- -specified enumerated powers of Congress
- -necessary and proper clause (elastic clause) and basis for implied powers
- -legislative branch
Article II of Constitution
-executive branch laws
Article III of Constitution
-judicial branch
Articles IV - VII of Constitution
- -full faith and credit clause
- -supremacy clause
-favored new strong central gov
pro-strong state government
Federalist Papers
- -explained Framers' intentions as they drafted Constitution
- -too theoretical for practical use
First Amendment of Bill of Rights
- -freedom of religion
- -freedom of speech
- -freedom of press
- -freedom of religion & assembly
Ninth Amendment
enumerated rights are not inclusive
Tenth Amendment
powers not given to the national gov are reserved by the states/people
Marbury v. Madison
judicial review
enumerated powers
all powers specifically stated in Article I, Section 8 of Constitution
implied powers
powers derived from enumerated powers and necessary and proper clause
concurrent powers
pwers shared by national and state govs
bill of attander
law declaring an act illegal w/out a trial
full faith and credit clause
ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will apply in another
privileges and immunities clause
citizens of each state have same rights as citizens of other states
McCulloch v. Maryland
invoked necessary and proper clause, and allowed gov. to pass laws not expressly stated in Const.
civil liberties
personal guarantees and freedoms that government cannot abridge by law, constitution, or judicial interpretation
false written statement that defames the character of a person
Fourth Amendment
protects people from unreasonable search and seizures
Fifth Amendment
self-incrimination and double jeopardy
Sixth Amendment
right to counsel
Eighth Amendment
person accused of a crime has right to a speedy and public trial