Noun: a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc.
Affinity: (Noun)
Noun: a person, thing, idea, etc., for which such a natural liking or attraction is felt.
Affinity: (Noun)
Noun: relationship by marriage or by ties other than those of blood
Affinity: (Noun)
Noun: inherent likeness or agreement; close resemblance or connection
Affinity: (Noun)
Verb: to place in proper or desired order; marshal
Array: (Verb and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
Napoleon ______ his troops for battle.
Verb: to cloth with garments, especially of an ornamental kind; dress up; deck out
Array: (Verb and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
She _____ herself in furs and diamonds.
Noun: order or arrangement, as of troops drawn up for battle.
Array: (Verb and Noun)
Noun: military force, especially a body of troops
Array: (Verb and Noun)
Noun: a large and impressive grouping or organization of things
Array: (Verb and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
He couldn't dismiss the _____ of facts.
Noun: regular order or arrangement; series
Array: (Verb and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
An ______ of figures.
Noun: a large group, number, or quantity of people or things
Array: (Verb and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
An impressive ____ of scholars; an imposing _____ of books.
Adj: extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless
Audacious: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
An _____ explorer.
Adj: extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly iventive
Audacious: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
An _____ vision of the city's bright future.
Adj: recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; brazen
Audacious: (Adj.)
Adj: lively; unrestrained; uninhibited
Audacious: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
An _____ interpretation of her role.
Adj: friendly; agreeable
Convivial: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
A ______ atmosphere.
Adj: fond of feasting, drinking, and merry company; jovial
Convivial: (Adj.)
Adj: of or befitting a feast; festive
Convivial: (Adj.)
Verb: to think fit or in accordance with one's dignity; condescend
Deign: (Verb)
Fill in the Blank!
He would not _____ to discuss the matter with us.
Verb: to condescend to give or grant
Deign: (Verb)
Fill in the Blank!
He _____ no reply.
Verb: Obsolete. to condescend to accept.
Deign: (Verb)
Adj: tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing; disparaging; depreciatory
Derogatory: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
A _______ remark.
Noun: a person who cultivates a refined taste, especially in food and wine; connoisseur
Epicure: (Noun)
Noun: Archaic. a person dedicated to sensual enjoyment
Epicure: (Noun)
Adj: excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please
Fastidious: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
____ eater.
Adj: requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking
Fastidious: (Adj.)
Verb: to establish (oneself) in the favor or good graces of others, especially by deliberate effort (usually followed by with)
Ingratiate: (Verb)
Fill in the Blank!
He _____ himself with all the guests.
Verb: to swing or move to and fro, as a pendulum does
Oscillate: (Verb)
Verb: to vary or vacillate between differing beliefs, opinions, conditions, etc.
Oscillate: (Verb)
Fill in the Blank!
He ______ regularly between elation and despair.
Verb: to cause to move to and fro; vibrate
Oscillate: (Verb)
Verb: to pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take; trade; exchange
Bandy: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
To ____ blows; to _____ words.
Verb: to throw or strike to and fro or from side to side, as a ball in tennis
Bandy: (Verb, Adjective, and Noun)
Verb: to circulate freely
Bandy: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
To _____ gossip.
Adj: (of legs) having a bend or crook outward; bowed
Bandy: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
A new method for correcting _____ legs.
Noun: an early form of tennis
Bandy: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Noun: Obsolete. a hockey or shinny stick
Bandy: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Verb: to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
The morale of the soldiers _____, and they were unable to fight.
Verb: to diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance, integrity, etc.
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
The debate ____ into an exchange of insults.
Verb: to cause degeneration in; bring about a decline, deterioration, or reversion in.
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Adj: having fallen below a normal or desirable level, especially in physical or moral qualities; deteriorated; degraded
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
A ____ king.
Adj: having lost, or become impaired with respect to, the qualities proper to the race or kind
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
A ______ vine
Adj: characterized by or associated with degeneracy
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
______ times.
Noun: a person who has declined, as in morals or character, from a type or standard considered normal
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Noun: a person or thing that reverts to an earlier stage of culture, development, or evolution
Degenerate: (Verb, Adj., and Noun)
Adj: capable of having the desired result or effect; effective as a means, measure, remedy, etc.
Efficacious: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
The medicine is _____ in stopping a cough.
Adj: of or pertaining to horseback riding or horseback riders
Equestrian: (Adj. and Noun)
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_____ skill.
Adj: mounted on horseback
Equestrian: (Adj. and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
_______ knights.
Adj: representing a person mounted on a horse
Equestrian: (Adj. and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
An _____ statue
Adj: pertaining to or composed of knights or mounted warriors
Equestrian: (Adj. and Noun)
Fill in the Blank!
An ____ code of honor.
Adj: of or pertaining to the ancient Roman equites
Equestrian: (Adj. and Noun)
Noun: a person who rides horses
Equestrian: (Adj. and Noun)
Noun: an offense, as murder or burglary, of graver character than those called misdemeanors, especially those commonly punished in the U.S. by imprisonment for more than a year
Felony: (Noun)
Verb: to strip off the skin or outer covering of
Flay: (Verb)
Verb: to criticize or scold with scathing severity
Flay: (Verb)
Verb: to deprive or strip of money or property
Flay: (Verb)
Adj: domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing
Imperious: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
An ____ manner; an _____ person
Adj: urgent; imperative
Imperious: (Adj.)
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______ need.
Adj: wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious
Malevolent: (Adj.)
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His failures made him ______ toward those who were successful.
Adj: evil; harmful; injurious
Malevolent: (Adj.)
Fill in the Blank!
A _____ inclination to destroy the happiness of others.
Verb: to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes
Rationalize: (Verb)
Verb: to remove unreasonable elements from
Rationalize: (Verb)
Verb: to make rational or conformable to reason
Rationalize: (Verb)
Verb: to treat or explain in a rational or rationalistic manner
Rationalize: (Verb)
Verb: to invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes
Rationalize: (Verb)
Fill in the Blank!
He tried to prove that he was not at fault, but he was obviously ______.
Verb: to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving
Relent: (Verb)
Verb: to become less severe; slacken
Relent: (Verb)
Fill in the Blank!
The winds _____.
Verb: Obsolete. to cause to slacken; abate
Relent: (Verb)
Verb: Obsolete. to abandon; relinquish
Relent: (Verb)