Spanish Sentences Translated
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Le gusta vivir en California.
He likes to live in California.
Hay niebla hoy.
There is a lot of fog today.
El quiere vivir en Mexico.
He wants to live in Mexico.
El chico no tiene un pez.
The boy doesn't have a fish.
Bart quiere tener un gato.
Bart wants to have a cat.
El va a Atlanta.
He goes to Atlanta.
Gladys le da un gato a Bart.
Gladys gives a cat to Bart.
Sam le habla a Brandon.
Sam talks to Brandon.
El feliz vaca vive Novato.
The happy cow lives in Novato.
Hay una vaca el quiere vivir en Fiji.
There is a cow that wants to live in Fiji.
La chica le da la vaca el chico.
The girl gives the cow to the boy.
Hay los flores y los velas.
There are flowers and candles on the altar.
A el le gusta comer pan de muerto y mole.
He likes to eat dead bread and spicy chocolate sauce.
Mario quiere impresionar una chica llamada Matilda.
Mario wants to impress a girl named Matilda.
El dice a ella que no se hacerlo.
He says to her that he doesn't know how to do it.
Matilda no quiere tener una vaca.
Matilda doesn't want to have a cow.
Le gusta vivir en la almendra, Nueva York.
She likes to live in Almond, New York.
La vaca no tiene negro zapatos.
The cow does not have black shoes.
A el le gusta escuchar música.
He likes to listen to music.
Al director le gusta hacer películas.
The director likes to make movies.
A mi me gusta tocar el piano.
I like to play the piano.
A Joselita le gusta cantar en la clase.
Joselita likes to sing in the class.
A Rolando le gusta jugar videojuegos.
Rolando like to play videogames.
A ella le gusta ir de compras?
Does she like to go shopping?
Te gusta estar con los amigos.
You like to be with friends.
A ella le gusta pintar en la clase de arte.
She likes to paint in the art class.
Me gusta estar con la familia.
I like to be with the family.
A Ingrid le gusta montar a caballo.
Ingrid likes to ride horses.
Te gusta bailar?
Do you like to dance?
A la maestra le gusta viajar?
Does the teacher like to travel?
A ella le gusta jugar deportes.
She likes to play sports.
A ti te gusta correr.
You like to run.
Hay un mono que se llama Jorge.
There is a monkey named Jorge.
Jorge es un mono curioso.
Jorge is a curious monkey.
El vive er New York.
He lives in New York.
Jorge tiene un amigo con un sombrero amarillo.
Jorge has a friend with a yellow hat.
El es un hombre alto y delgado.
He is a tall and thin man.
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Spanish Sentences Translated
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