mental state - individual struggles to distinguis external world from his perceptions; brain disease that disrupts perceptions, thinking, feelings, and behaviors
bleulers 4 as
- affective disturbance
- autism
- associative looseness
- ambivalence
affective disturbance
inappropriate blunted flat affect
preoccupation w the self w little concern for external reality
associative looseness
stringing together of unrelated topics
simultaneous opposite feelings
type 1
- better prognosis
- onset is acute
- high dopamine
- delusions, manic type s/s
- excitement, elevation-exaggeration above norm
- persecution feelings
- grandiosity
- hallucinations and hostility
- illusions and insomnia
- suspiciousness
- responds better to meds
type 2 negative
- poor prognosis
- chronic onset
- low dopamine; brain anatomy changes
- depressed type s/s
- alogia
- anergia
- anhedonia
- asocial behavior
- attention deficits
- avolition
- blunted affect
- poor communication
- difficulty w abstractions
- passive social withdrawel
- poor grooming
- ventricular brain ratio; brn smaller; vesicles larger
lack of poverty of speech, short, monosyllabic answers
absence of energy
loss of pleasure in previously enjoyed activities
lack of movement
objective signs of schizo
alterations in personal relationships: decreased attention to appearance, hostility, withdrawel.
alterations of activity: psychomotor agitation, echoprexia, stereotypy
Subjective symptoms of schizo
- altered perceptions: hallucinations, illusions, paranoid thinking
- alterations of thought: retardation, autism, blocking, delusions.
- altered consciousness: confusion, clouding, incoherent speech
- alterations of affect: inappropriate, apathy, ambicalence
subtypes of schizo
- paranoid
- disorganized
- catatonic
- undifferentiated
- residual
paranoid schizo
disorganized schizo
alterations in thoughts, speech, behaviors
catatonic schizo
undifferentiated schizo
none of the above
residual schizo
chronic, lesser sx
biochemical theory of schizo
dopamine level alterations
neurostructural theory of schizo
brain atrophy, decrease cerebral bld flow, VBR changes
perinatal theory of schizo
maternal influenza, birth during late winter or early spring, prenatal exposure to lead, maternal starvation, prenatal exposure to cats, OB complications
developmental/family theories of schizo
lack of care/nurturing by or severe conflicts w the mothering one
PET and MRI scans show
VBR : ventricles enlarged/brain smaller; ventricular bld flow is slower
ventricular brain ratio
psychosis-induced polydipsia
compulsion to drink excess water (4-10L/d) the desire to drink probably occurs bc of thirst and osmotic dys-regulation
major concern of psychosis-induced polydipsia
NSG interventions
psychosis-induced polydipsia
strict I&O w possible fluid restrictions, monitor wts, monitor labs r/t F&E balance, esp na & k
psychosocial and other problems r/t schizo
- depression & suicide (most fatal)
- substance abuse
- difficulty maintaining job
- difficulty w family relations
- relapse is common
- med non-compliance
- stress triggers cause stable pt to decompensate
NSG interventions schizo
- do not argue abt delusions
- do not reinforce hallucinations (enforce safety & distract)
- focus on real ppl and real events
- be diligent in attempting to understand pts
- attempt to balance siding w inappropriate behavior and crushing a fragile ego
- set limits on disruptive behavior
- freq. observe escalating pts
- modify environment to remove potentially harmful objects
oldest group
(3 drugs)
- Haldol, Navane, Thorazine
- 1st developed
desired effects of antipsychotics
- primarily to treat psychotic d/o's
- specifically schizo, bipolar d/o, and other chronic mental illnesses
s/e of antipsychotics
- anticholinergic
- antiadrenergic
- cardiac
- sexual
- GI
- endocrine
antipsychotic med s/e
dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation
antipsychotic med s/e
orthostatic hypotension
antipsychotic med s/e
antipsychotic med s/e
wt gain, CHO craving
antipsychotic med s/e
increased prolactin levels, insulin resistance
antipsychotic med
adverse effects
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
neuroleptic malignant syndrome is
similar to serotonin syndrome, except affects dopamine (causing depletion)
onset is rare but usually within one wk of starting rx (eg. Haldol)
early s/s of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- hyperthermia (high fever)
- change in LOC (agitation, confusion, restless)
- muscle rigidity
tx for neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- d/c drug immediately
- administer dantrium or Parlodel as ordered & cont. it for 8-12 days until after improvement is noted, restart antipsychotics 2 wks after complete resolution
stands for
extrapyramidal s/e
- -antipsychotic drugs should not be used for non-approved indications (ex. do not use for common anxiety)
- -dose for certain groups should be limited (older adults are more susceptable)
- -low dose should be given (start low; go slow)
AIMS assessment to evaluate NMS
- akathisia
- akinesia/bradykinesia
- dystonia
- parkinsonism
- tardive dyskinesia
- pisa syndrome
absent/slowed movements
abnormal postures
tremors, shuffling gait, rigidity, pill rolling
tardive dyskinesia
starts around mouth, tongue protrusion, lip smacking, puckering, teeth grinding, movements stop w sleep
pisa syndrome
leaning to one side
- -Cogentin, Benadryl may be ordered
- -antipsychotics are contraindicated in pts w glaucoma, BPH, & CV disease
- -Decanote form is long acting by injection & given at 2-4 wk+ intervals
- -abuse potential--etoh & substance drugs overall
meds use in pregnancy and in elderly
pregnant- 1st trimester drugs pass thru placenta
elderly- start low and go slow
pt teaching antipsychotics
- tendency to become anxious/paranoid abt potential s/e
- simple written description of benefits & s/e
- how to cope w s/e
- info in written format helps to be in control & collaborate w tx
antisychotics teach pt and family...5
- avoid immersions in hot water (hypotension-falls)
- avoid abrupt withdrawal of med (EPSE)
- sunscreen (sunburn)
- immediately report signs of sore throat, malaise, fever, or bleeding (dyscrasia)
- dress appropriately in hot weather & drink plenty of water (heatstroke)
newer atypical antipsychotics names
risperdal, zyprexa, seroquel, geodon
most freq prescribed
newer atypical antipsychotics info
- decrease risk of epse
- increase cost if no generic
aggregate of the individuals physical and mental qualities as these interact characteristally w the persons environment; thus personality is expressed thru behavior. characteristic combinations of behavior distinguish one ind from another and endow inds w their own unique identity; OR traits and characteristics that make us unique and interesting
personality d/o trait
- characteristic that describes our personality
- (ex. outgoing, shy)
personality d/o
exaggerated, pathologic behavior patterns destructive to the ind and others
Cluster A
odd, eccentric behaviors
cluster a
- paranoid
- schiziod
- schizotypal
paranoid personality d/o
characteristics 7
- suspicious
- mistrust
- interprets actions of others as personal threats
- on the offensive
- blunt affect; cold
- holds grudges
- easily angered
paranoid personality d/o
nsg management 4
- maintain hope
- set firm limits and consistency
- encourage group therapy
- praise them for what they do good
schiziod personality d/o
characteristics 9
- psychotic episodes infreq and less severe than w schizophrenia
- problems in thinking, perceiving and communicating
- eccentric
- sensitive to behaviors of others
- feel they are different and do not fit in
- fantasies about imaginary friendships
- uncomfy around ppl but interested in others
- social situations uncomfy and cause anx
- lose dose of antipsych drugs decrease severity of sxs in psych state
schizotypal personality d/o
nsg management 4
- include them in interventions offering support, kindness, and gentle suggestions to help them become involved in activities w others
- help pt improve interpersonal relationships, social skills, & appropriate behaviors
- vocational counseling & asisstance w job placement
- low dose of antipsych drugs
overall nsg interventions management for cluster A
- trust
- honesty
- no intrusiveness
- clear, simple explanations and requests
cluster B
dramatic, emotional, erratic behaviors
cluster B
types 4
- antisocial
- borderline
- histrionic
- narcissistic
no sense of remorse
characteristics 7
- impulsiveness, disregard safety
- main feature- pattern of disregard for the rights of others
- behaviors are dx'd as conduct d/o before age 15
- promiscuous and feel no guilt, lying, cheating, stealing
- criminal behavior places them in prisons instead of mental health facilities
- dx based on hx of disordered life functioning rather than on mental illness
- do not behave as responsible, mature, and independent adults
management 8
- set firm limits
- must be steadfast & consistent in confronting behaviors and enforcing rules and policies
- set consequences of behavior and make sure pt is aware of them
- pnt out the effects that the pts behavior has on others
- avoid moralizing
- assist pt in identifying and verbalizing feeling that might reflect anx and depression
- offer membership pin in group to make pt feel accepted
- encourage pt to join in a group w ppl of same dx
characteristics 10
- anger, impulsivity
- self image disturbances
- abandonment fears
- manipulation
- dependency
- mood shifts/disturbances
- projective identification
- self mutilation, suicidal
- unstable and intense relationships
- impairment in occupational funct
borderline management 8
- conduct a suicide assessment
- provide a safe environment to decr self-harm & contain impulses
- work w pt to find less destructive ways to handle anger, rage, and psychic pain
- allow for venting & discussion punching pillows, foam mats
- discuss w pt a safe alternative method to handle feelings
- use a bahavioral contract
- have pt write in notebook
- consistency, limit setting, & supportive confrontation
thrive on action
characteristics 6
- behavior is silly and colorful, frivolous and seductive
- shallow, rapidly, shifting emotions
- uses physical appearance to draw attention
- easily influenced by others
- exaggerates degree in intimacy w others
- dissociation common defense to avoid feelings
management 4
- positive reinforcement in form of attention, recognition, or praise
- provide support to facilitate independent problem solving and daily funct
- help clarify pts feelings and help them learn appropriate way to express them
- patience
characteristics 6
- grandiose behavior that is based on reality, but embellished and distorted
- feelings of superiority and entitlement
- arrogant, self-centered, self-absorbed
- pt overvalues self
- needs and feelings of others ignored, feels it is "all about me"
- needs to be admired
Cluster C
anxious, fearful behaviors
cluster c
types 3
avoidant, dependent, ocd
avoidant characteristics 6
- preoccupied w what others think
- socially withdrawn, shy, uncomfortable
- avoids situations where they might feel disappointment or rejection
- afraid to ask questions or speak in public
- hypersensitivity to criticism
- low self confidence
management 6
- help pt gradually confront his fears
- discuss the pts feelings and fears before and after doing something they are afraid to do
- support and direct pt in accomplishing sml goal
- help pt be assertive and develop social skills
- use relaxation techs
- give positive feedback
characteristics 6
- pervasive need to be taken care of
- submissive, clinging behaviors w fear of seperation
- extreme helplessness, want others to make decisions for them
- do for others to foster attachments
- fear of being left alone, in fact will even stay in an abusive relationship
- unable to make day to day decisions wo help
management 3
- work on decision
- manage anx
- teach assertiveness
OCD characteristics 12
- perfectionist and inflexible
- overly strict
- sets standards too high
- work never good enough
- preoccupied w rules, trivial details
- difficult to express warm emotions
- little give and take interactions
- rigid, controlling, cold
- fun and pleasure diff bc so serious
- afraid to make mistakes
- affect is constrictive
- unable to discard worn out objects
management 6
- support in exploring feelings & attempting new experiences
- help pt w decision making & follow thru
- at times needs to confront pt procrastination and intellectualization
- teach pt importance of leisure activities
- teach pt he is human and its ok to make mistakes
- help decr irrational beliefs about necessity to be perfect
benedict morel 1860s
first to note s/s of schizo, calling it "dementia praecox" (precocious senility)
Emil Kraepelin 1870s
studied schizo intensely, believing that it was brought on by neuropathologic causes that led to deterioration
schizo milieu
consistant staff
Please stay sally! Ah, but no. (I must bid you) A Dieu
- paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
- antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
- avoidant, dependent, ocd
exhibits features of more than one or doesnt meet criteria fully?
- pers. d/o NOS
- not otherwise specified
pathological shyness - "hermit"
schizoid pers. d/o