what are the ten rights of medication administration?
- Right Medication
- Right Dose
- Right Time
- Right Route
- Right Client
- Right Documentation
- Right Education
- Right to Refuse
- Right Assessment
- Right Evaluation
first 5 rights of medication administeration
- Right Medication
- Right Dose
- Right Time
- Right Route
- Right Client
2nd 5 rights of med administration
- Right Documentation
- Right Education
- Right to Refuse
- Right Assessment
- Right Evaluation
What are the 3 medication preparation checks
- compare label on med to MAR
- check expiration date
- 1 when you get med out
- 2 when placing into cup(pouring, drawing up, placing package in cup)
- 3 when putting the medication away
you should leave medication ______ until ______
- in package
- until you hand it to client
Medication Preparation
- Know the Drug (if don't look it up)
- Check medical administration record (MAR)
- Verify Route
- Organize self and supplies
- only prepare meds for 1 client at a time
- check expiration date
- never leave meds unattended
- always lock the lock box
- check ID Bracelet (have client state name/DOB)
what physiological changes occur in the elderly
- Altered memory
- Decreased Visual acuity
- Decreased renal function
- Less complete and slower absorption from CGI tract
- increased proportion of fat to lean Body mass
- decreased liver function
- decreased organ sensitivity
- decreased manual dexterity
altered memory in elderly causes
- did they remember to take meds
- did they take too many times
decreased renal function in elderly
resulting in slower elimination of drugs and higher concentrations of drugs in the bloodstream for longer periods of time
when preparing to give a medication you should always know ______
- why they are getting the med
- always ask about allergies
3 checks for injection meds
- 1 when it is taken from med cart
- 2 before withdrawing the medication
- 3 after drawing medication (putting med away or throwing away package)
steps for preparing med from ampule
- 3 check
- hand hygiene
- make sure med is out of top, open ampule (opener or gauze)
- top goes in sharps container
- attach filter needle-draw out dose
- replace needle with reg needle needed for type or injection you are giving
steps for mixing insulin
using 1 syringe
- draw up the amount of air that u are removing from both vials
- inject air into NPH withdraw needle (do not touch liquid)
- inject air into reg insulin and withdraw amount needed
- reinsert needle in NPH and withdraw amount needed
- be careful to only get amount ordered
steps for intradermal injection
- prepare med & prepare client explain wheal
- select site and clean/let dry
- remove cap, expel air
- Hold Almost PARALLEL (15*or less) to skin BEVEL UP
- nondom hand hold and pull taught
- insert tip, bevel should be visible under the skin
- inject slowly so wheal appears
- withdraw at same angle
things that you should never do after intradermal injection
sites for intradermal injections
- inner lower arm
- upper chest
- back beneath scapulae
what is intradermal route most commonly used for
Sub Q injections
sites and angle
- outer aspects of upper arm
- anterior aspects of thighs
- abdomen
- scapular areas of upper back
- upper ventrogluteal
- dorsogluteal areas
- 45* angle with palm facing to the side or upward
- 90* palm downward
what are the essential parts of an order
- client's full name
- Date, month and year
- Drug Name, dosage, frequency and route of administration
- Signature of person writing the order
do not crush meds that are......
- time released
- sublingual
- enteric coated
- sustained release
when giving med through NG or g-tube or j-tube what precautions should be made before giving
- if poss have pharmacy switch to liquid
- if no liquid form check to see if it can be crushed
- crush and dissolve into at least 30mL warm water
- check tube placement
- aspirate stomach contents and measure
when giving meds through NG, Gtube or j-tube
steps of administer after dissolved in 30mL warm water
- remove plunger and connect to a pinched tube
- put 15-30mL of water in syringe barrel to flush
- raise or lower to adjust the flow
- pinch or clamp before all water is instilled
- pour liquid or dissolved med into barrel
- if giving more than one med give each separately with 15 to 30mL water between each to flush
- disconnect from suction and keep tubing clamped for 20 to 30 mins to enhance absorption
when giving heparin
- abdomen at least 2 inches away from umbilical
- and above iliac crest
- 90* angle
what types of medications are given Sub Q
- vaccines
- pre-op meds
- narcotics
- insulin
- heparin
what kinds of medications are given intramuscular
- vaccines
- hep B
- pneumonia
- flu
landmarks for deltoid IM
- four fingers across deltoid starting at acromion process
- axillary is lower border line
- give injection in triangle
landmarks for vastus lateralis
- divide area between greater trochanter and lateral femoral condyle into thirds give injection in middle third of thigh
Landmarks for ventrogluteal
- pt lays on side knee bent pulled up slightly towards chest
- nurse uses opposite hand
- palm over greater trochanter index finger points toward client's head middle finger drops dorsally towards buttocks inject inside triangle
- Not as much risk, sealed off from the bone contains less fat than Butt, suitable for infants over 7 months
- not recommended because sciatic nerve, major blood vessels and bone
- if has to be used
- children over 3 or that have been walking for more than 1 year
what is Z-Track
- injection given IM
- use nondominant hand to push subQ away give injection at 90* into the muscle hold needle in for 10 seconds then withdraw and release skin