Mental Health- Quiz 3- Bipolar

  1. Common problems caused by bipolar disorder (LLL & FDD)
    • Low self-esteem
    • Loss of intimate relationships
    • Loss of job
    • Family conflict
    • Dependence on others
    • Denial (of illness)
  2. Causes for denial and quitting medication
    Patients go through an up-phase and believe they are better or aren't sick.
  3. Reasons why patients don't comply with meds (PASDD)
    • Personal autonomy
    • Adverse side effects
    • Social stigma
    • Drug and alcohol use
    • Desire to experience mania
  4. Client and family education includes (NIMP HAKR)
    • Nature of illness
    • Medications/effects
    • Importance of maintaining social structure/routines.
    • Precipitants of episodes
    • Roles of professionals
    • Keeping intimate relationships
    • How to get help
    • Alcohol and drugs
  5. 3 Stages of Bipolar disorder (CSR)
    • Crisis
    • Stabilization
    • Remission
  6. How should case workers accommodate for these stages?
    Maintaining flexibility and adjusting their interaction with client's based on their needs at a certain stage.
  7. What type of interventions are needed in the stabilization stage?
    • Task-oriented interventions
    • to help the patient return to normal functioning.
  8. What type of contact would be required in the remission stage?
    Just follow-up about every other to check on meds or monitoring.
  9. Bipolar I
    • At least 1 week of abnormal mood; usually a persistently elevated mood expansive or irritable mood.
    • Manic episode and a major depressive episode.
    • Must be experiencing first manic episode to be diagnosed (depression can make it hard to tell)
  10. Mood disturbance should have 3 of these symptoms (IGDPFDIPE):
    • Inflated Self-esteem
    • Grandiosity
    • Decreased need for sleep
    • Pressure of speech
    • Flight of ideas
    • Distractibility 
    • Increased goal-directed activities
    • Psycho-motor agitation
    • Excessive pleasurable activities which could be dangerous
  11. Bi Polar Hallucinations
    No hallucinations during the mood disturbance and none for at least 2 weeks without mood disturbance.
  12. Bipolar (young) patients are more likely to exhibit what symptoms during depression:
    • Hypersomnia (increased sleep)
    • Increased appetite
    • psychomotor retardation
    • (different than unipolar depression)
  13. Bipolar I disorder (single manic episode)
    Diagnosis for the first manic episode
  14. Bipolar I disorder (recurrent)
    Is diagnosed of manic episodes are separated by at least 2 months w/o significant symptoms.
  15. Rapid Cycling
    • A feature of Bipolar I disorder when there are 4 episodes of mood disturbance over a 12 month period.
    • More common among females.
    • Not common, but can happen over a week or a day.
  16. Bipolar II Disorder
    • Major depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes.
    • elevated mood lasting 4 days and is different than usual non-depressed mood.
    • 3 or more manic symptoms for 4 days.
  17. Hypomaic Episodes
    Similar to a manic episodes, but less sever and less frequent than manic episodes.
  18. Characteristics of Biploar II
    • Major Depressive episodes
    • Hypomanic episodes
    • Not severe enough to cause significant impairment in functioning
    • Is noticed by others that client is not themselves
  19. Cyclothymia
    • Sub effective disorder
    • Chronic mood disturbance for at least 2 yrs.
    • Hypomania and Depression
    • Does not meet the criteria for manic or depressive episodes
  20. Diagnosing Cyclothymia
    Dx id not made if there is mania or depression for the first 2 years of the disorder
  21. Disputes about Cyclothima
    • Considered a mild form of Bipolar
    • Some think that it is psychological not neurological
  22. Denial (bipolar)
    • May persist even after client has returned to normal functioning
    • May cause clients to stop therapy and/or go off meds.
  23. Pharmalogical Treatments- Bipolar
    • Lithium
    • Anti-Psychotic Drugs
    • Anti-convulsive Drugs
    • Sedatives
  24. Lithium
    • Very effective in treating bipolar
    • Basically just sea salt in high concentrations
    • Can be dangerous for the liver
  25. Anti-Psychotic Drugs (Bipolar)
    • Also very effective in treating bipolar
    • Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
    • Aripiparzole (Abilify)
    • Risperidone (Risperdal)
    • Ziprasidone (Geodon)
    • Clozapine (Clorazil)
  26. Anti-convulsive Drugs (Bipolar)
    • Effective in treating manic episodes.
    • Carbamzepine (Tegratol)
    • Depkene and Depakote
  27. Sedatives (bipolar)
    • Useful for initiation of treatment in crisis phase. Tapered down as the manic episode subsides
    • Kolnopin
    • Ativan
    • Haldol
  28. Why should SSRI's not be given to those suffering from Bipolar?
    • SSRI's can induce manic episodes because they increase seritonin (which is already high in mania).
    • Other anti-depressants should be considered.
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Mental Health- Quiz 3- Bipolar
Material for Dr.Mason's mental health class, quiz 3.