1.12 Intro to ED - Workforce Development

  1. What three things must communities do to connect workforce and economic development?
    • 1. Combine and coordinate JOB PLACEMENT activities.
    • 2. Design ways to involve the BUSINESS SECTOR in workforce development program design and decision making.
    • 3. Make better use of labor market and other relevant economic development INFORMATION gathering activities (e.g., databases, retention surveys, and regular interaction with businesses).
  2. What are the 7 workforce development players EDOs can partner with?
    • 1. Local BUSINESSES and industry associations.
    • 2. EDOs.
    • 3. COMMUNITY COLLEGES and institutions of higher learning.
    • 4. TRAINING CENTERS/small business development centers.
    • 5. High schools and VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS. 6. Community and FAITH-BASED INITIATIVES.
    • 7. INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS and other businesses.
  3. What can 6 things can local businesses and industry associations do to help workforce development? (Player 1)
    • 1. Provide TRAINING through in-house employee retention programs.
    • 2. Update community leaders on current WORKFORCE NEEDS.
    • 3. Collectively can provide FUNDING for programs and resources such as used computers, machinery and training locations.
    • 4. Want to stay competitive and will PARTICIPATE in programs which benefit them directly.
    • 5. Identify SKILL NEEDS and help design training curriculum to meet those needs.
    • 6. Provide MENTORS and PLACEMENT for internships, apprenticeships, and high school to work programs.
  4. What 9 things can EDOs to to help workforce development? (Player 2)
    • 1. Act as BROKER for workforce development programs.
    • 2. PUBLISH information about labor force supply and demand.
    • 3. COORDINATE efforts between all partners.
    • 4. MARKET workforce development programs to other businesses.
    • 5. BRIDGE GAP between education and industry.
    • 6. Tap into unused labor forces such as YOUTH and HARD-TO-SERVE populations.
    • 7. Market to attract and retain SKILLED WORKERS.
    • 8. Help address BARRIERS TO RETENTION such as transportation and child care that inhibit individuals from taking and retaining jobs.
    • 9. COORDINATE job creation with job placement activities.
  5. What 6 things can Community Colleges and Other Institutions of Higher Learning do to help workforce development? (Player 3)
    • 1. ADAPT education to current economic conditions.
    • 2. TAILOR programs to local industry needs and labor shortages.
    • 3. Work with partners to define NEEDS.
    • 4. PROVIDE professional instruction, training facilities, and advanced technologies.
    • 5. Act as a valuable INFORMATION SOURCE.
    • 6. Attract and retain SKILLED WORKFORCE.
  6. What 3 things can training centers do to help workforce development? (Player 4)
    • 1. Act as outside CONSULTANTS to develop training programs and curriculums.
    • 2. VERIFY industry needs and labor shortages.
    • 3. Non-profit training centers will PARTNER with businesses to increase available services.
  7. What 3 things can Community Based Organizations do to help workforce development? (Player 6)
    • 1. Address literacy and soft skills DEFICIENCIES.
    • 2. Recruit and place from the HARDER TO SERVE populations.
    • 3. Case management and retention SUPPORT.
  8. What are the 5 criteria needed for effective partnerships?
    • 1. STRONG LEADERSHIP - leaders of partnering organizations should encourage each other and promote their initiatives in public forums.
    • 2. SHARED VISION - a clear understanding and definition of the purpose and objectives of the partnership is needed so that a plan can be implemented that will satisfy the partners, as well as meet the needs of their clients.
    • 3. COMMON METRICS - a shared form of measurement should be identified so that partners can track the progress of their efforts and hold each other accountable for performance goals.
    • 4. FLEXIBILITY - as the needs of business and workers change, services may need to be modified.
    • 5. TRANSPARENCY - sharing information across organizations makes it easier to meet the needs of industry and workers.
  9. What are three kinds of workforce development partnerships?
    • 1. PUBLIC-LED - usually involve a city or local agency that initiates and maintains the efforts, often serving as intermediaries.  Thy may also facilitate the gathering of information on the needs of local businesses.
    • 2. PRIVATE-LED - employers initiate these.  Employers may want to focus on furthering education in a specific industry or employer organizations may form and serve as intermediaries connecting members with public organizations.
    • 3. FOUNDATION-LED - foundations usually initiate WD partnerships and start their own training programs, taking charge to organized and disseminate critical information.  Can also contribute to raising the level of workforce quality, ensuring that the skills of the region's workers match the needs of current and future employers.
  10. What are the 5 impacts communities have seen who have brought economic and workforce development under one roof?
    • 1. IMPROVED PROBLEM SOLVING from holistic thinking.  The cross-fertilization of ideas among staff from different components fosters creative solutions to problems.  Attention to staff cross-training encourages thinking about development and business-related issues and brings a variety of expertise to the table.
    • 2. CONSISTENCY and ALIGNMENT.  Staff members work under one mission and lines of authority are clearly defined.
    • 3. GREATER RESOURCES under one roof.  There may be fiscal savings that occur in re-structuring that can be applied to increased services to customers.
    • 4. GREATER ACCOUNTABILITY.  Staff members answer only to one leader in the organization.
    • 5. POTENTIAL TO INSTITUTIONALIZE DESIRED CHANGES - restructuring addresses some of the fundamental barriers to effective organizational change, such as aligning organizational culture, business processes, and performance management systems.
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1.12 Intro to ED - Workforce Development
1.12 Intro to ED - Workforce Development