Aaron Burr
vice president for Jefferson, shot Hamilton in a duel
Adams-Onis Treaty
Between US and Spain, gave control of Florida and Oregon to the US
Alexander Hamilton
first secretary of the treasury, strong federalist, believed in a strong central government, created first US bank, suggested the US Capital should be in the South to appease the anti-debt plan people, aid to General Washington during the war, shot and killed in a dual by Aaron Burr, started the bank of the US – Jefferson VERY against, believed in a strong central government
Alien & Sedition Act
(1798) created from the fear that the French were going to try and overthrow the US government; during the Adams administration the people that were outspoken for the most part were foreign born. Alien (person not a US citizen) Act: raised the residency requirements for citizenship, allowed the president to deport or jail any alien considered undesirable Sedition Act: fines and or jail for people that were trying to hinder the operations of the US government (4 acts that limited free speech )
American System
set of measures designed to unify the country and strengthen the economy, develop transportation system, establish a protective tariff, resurrecting the national bank – goal was to unify the different regions of the country
Andrew Jackson
became a hero after the Battle of New Orleans (last battle of the war of 1812), later became president, was seen as the people’s president, portrayed himself as a man of humble origins, started the process of replacing cabinet members, with his power he did what HE wanted to do – Trail of tears, US Bank Crisis
– group of advisors started by Washington to head the different departments of government
Comparing Federalists vs. Democrat Republicans
– Federalists wanted a strong central government, felt that the power must be used to keep the states together, natl bank DR: pro states rights, felt that the federal governments power must be controlled! YOU need to know the people that represented each view point
Corrupt Bargain
– election of 1824: none of the presidential candidates received a majority of the electoral votes: Andrew Jackson had the most electoral votes and popular vote but did not win the presidency; Henry Clay who was in 4th place and hated Jackson presided over the House election – he threw his support to J Q Adams and therefore Adams was elected. Henry Clay was then nominated as Secretary of State. In the election of 1828 Jackson easily defeated Adams
Cotton Gin
created by Eli Whitney, made the cleaning of the cotton A LOT faster leading to the need for more slaves in the South
Daniel Webster
– Famous orator (speaker), representative from MA, Argued many key Supreme Court cases, he did NOT like Andrew Jackson
Early issues in the republic:
Bill of Rights, precedents for the future of the govt, France and Britain, financial problems
Eli Whitney
– invented interchangeable parts, cotton gin
– barring trade with certain countries, in 1807 because of the French/British conflict Congress enacted an embargo against those 2 countries – caused major issues in the US economy
Factory System – vs. piecework
– people go to the work instead of taking the work with them to do on their leisure, there were dorms in many factory complexes to house and control the workers, Goal for the owners of the factories – inexpensive labor!!!! Also interchangeable parts, machines!!!! part of the industrial revolution, interchangeable parts were key, mass production of goods
– pro strong central government including a national bank
George Washington
– VA Leader, first president of the US, did not want political parties, gave up power willingly, set standards & precedents for future presidents that are still followed today!!!
Henry Clay
– house speaker when the American Plan was introduced by President Madison, came out in support of it which helped it to get passed, known as the great compromiser
Indian Removal Act
– under President Jackson Indians were forced from their homes in the states (east of the MS) where whites wanted to settle. Which led to the Trail of Tears (Cherokees and other tribes evicted from their homes and forced to walk to their new territory which is the modern day Oklahoma area) Native Americans were forced to live West of the MS
Industrial Revolution
– the mass production of goods; in a central location a factory is built and the people come to work there – change from piece work, started in the US in New England via Samuel Slater who memorized the parts of a textile factory – went back wrote it down and then recreated those factories in the US – textile mills in North mean more cotton needed – more slaves
Interchangeable Parts
– idea via Eli Whitney, creating products where parts can be changed easily and quickly vs. the creation of products that are all forged individually
James Madison
– 4th president of the US, president during the War of 1812, not seen as a strong leader
James Monroe
– 5th president of the US – most noteworthy accomplishment was the Monroe Doctrine
Jeffersonian Republicans
– also known as the Democratic Republicans, precursor to the Democratic party – pro states rights, did NOT want the federal government interfering in the economy
John Adams
–President when the Alien and Sedition acts were put into place, Federalist
John Calhoun
– South Carolina politician who supported: States rights & nullification
John Quincy Adams
– son of Pres John Adams, established a foreign policy stating that our National interests were more important than anything else; helped as Secretary of State create the Adams-Onis treaty (Florida), defeated Jackson in the 1824 controversial election that ended up in the House of Representatives, not a very popular president
John Tyler
first vice president to become president, VP for William Henry Harrison; both were from the same county in Virginia
Judicial Review
- Determined by Marbury vs. Madison, precedent that said that the Judicial Branch/Supreme Court could declare legislation unconstitutional
Lewis and Clark
– Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the Louisiana Territory – took an expedition through the territory exploring the plants, animals and geography – you should be able to summarize what happened
Louisiana Purchase
– territory to the west of the Mississippi, bought from France from Napoleon
Marbury vs. Madison
– Marshall as Chief Justice ruled with his colleagues on this case that Judicial Review helped to make the Judicial branch equal to the Legislative and Executive Branches, The supreme court has the right to declare legislation un-Constitutional
Martin Van Buren
– vice president for Jackson, The Whig party could not create an effective campaign or candidate to go against him; Jackson’s economic legacy left the economy in VERY bad shape, was out of his league in economic matters which lead to the panic of 1837
Mass Production
– creating goods in a factory via the Industrial Revolution – made goods faster and cheaper so common people could afford to buy more products/goods
McCulloch v Maryland
– SC ruling that stated that the state of MD did not have the right to tax the bank of the US, strengthened federal govt power over the states
Missouri Compromise
– maintained a balance of slave and free states – Maine Free, Missouri Slave
Monroe Doctrine
– President James Monroe statement about the incursion of European Powers into the Western Hemisphere – seen as a very important statement about how the US should deal with other countries attempts to gain land within the Americas – we don’t mess with you –you don’t mess with us
– belief that the country is first before regional or state concerns
Native American Confederacy
– led by Tecumseh – believed that the only way to defeat the whites was to work together
New Capital in DC
– Hamilton suggests to appease the Southerners who were against his plan of assumption of debts (part of MD and VA donated)
Nullification theory
–(Part of the VA and KY resolutions) belief that states should be allowed to ‘nullify’ or cancel certain parts of federal laws that they didn’t agree with – found to be unconstitutional, promoted States Rights – occurred as a reaction to the Alien and Sedition Acts
Pet Banks
– Jackson used his favorite banks to transfer money to in order to try and destroy the bank of the United States (printed $, took care of tax $, government $), they caused a panic when they printed $ not backed by gold or silver
Robert Fulton
– inventor of the steamship –making it possible for ships to travel up and down stream
Samuel Slater
– started a textile mill in Lowell MA, memorized an English textile mill
– Shoshone woman that helped Lewis and Clark navigate their way west on their expedition – was seen as a vital component to the success of the mission
Spoils System
– officially started by Andrew Jackson – “to the victor come the spoils” when a new president takes over political appointees are replaced with their favorite people
States Rights
– belief that states should have more power than the federal government, nullification (states could say that federal law was unconstitutional) was part of this belief
Tariff of Abominations
– Tariff that was passed to protect Northern Industries, the South was VERY upset about this because Great Britain had to pay a higher tax on cotton hurting the plantations in the South
– attempted to united Native Americans into a confederacy to protect their homeland in the Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys
Trail of Tears
– Jackson orders the removal of the Cherokee from Florida and Georgia and they are forced to walk to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) – MANY died; this was against what the Supreme Court had ordered
War of 1812 - what happened
– we attacked Canada, they eventually attacked within the US, British attack at Fort McHenry (Baltimore) was not successful, but Francis Scott Key wrote a poem about it that eventually became our Nat’l Anthem, last battle fought after the official armistice was signed in New Orleans – A Jackson defeated the British becoming a national hero – Treaty of Ghent ended the war in a stalemate, British ships blockaded the east coast, white house and capital were burned
War of 1812 - why it started
– trade restrictions that were being imposed on the US by England, Madison believed that because of the trade restrictions the US economy would be gravely hurt – we needed foreign trade that was being impeded on by the British, impressments, NA trouble in the West, pressure from Hawks in Congress, many hawks wanted to permanently remove the British from the west, Britain wouldn’t get out of the Louisiana Territory
William Henry Harrison
– “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” hero of the battle of Tippecanoe in Indiana, originally from VA – son of a signer of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, chose John Tyler as his Vice President, Harrison was the shortest serving president, he got pneumonia after giving a long inauguration speech in the rain
XYZ Affair
– American delegation was to meet with French foreign minister Talleyrand, instead 3 flunkies were sent known as X, Y and Z who demanded payment (bribe) for seeing Talleyrand – Americans gravely insulted by this slight; reaction was that French ships were authorized to be seized led to an undeclared naval war for 3 years