Arch 270 Lab Final 1

  1. Scapula(e)
    -shoulder bone
  2. Scapular Spine
    • -runs down the middle of the scapula
    • -separates the infraspinous fossa from supraspinous fossa
  3. Supraspinous fossa
    -fossa that is dorsal to scapular spine
  4. Glenoid Fossa
    -part of the scapula that articulates with the head of the humerus
  5. Coracoid Process
    • -a hook looking process on the front of the scapula
    • -stabilizes the shoulder joint
  6. Clavicle
    • -collarbone
    • -connects scapula and sternum
  7. Greater Tuberosity
    • -muscle attachment lateral to head of humerus 
    • -higher and more lateral than lesser tuberosity
  8. Lesser Tuberosity
    • -situated to the front of head of humerus 
    • -more medial than greater tuberosity
  9. Medial Epicondyle
    • -larger than lateral epicondyle
    • -located on the distal end of humerus
  10. Lateral Epicondyle
    -muscle attachment on lateral side of the head of the humerus
  11. Supracondyloid Foramen
    • -usually a hole in cats and more of a notch in humans
    • -located near the distal end of the humerus 
    • -nerve passes through it usually if it is a foramen
  12. Olecranon Fossa
    -deep triangular fossa in the posterior(back) distal end of humerus
  13. Radius
    -lateral bone of forearm
  14. Ulna
    -medial bone of forearm
  15. Olecranon Process
    -at proximal end of ulna, process that extrudes posteriorly when hand supinated
  16. Semilunar(trochlear) Notch
    -large cavity in the proximal end of ulna where it interacts with the humerus as the elbow moves
  17. Bicipital Tubercle (radial tuberosity)
    • -beneath the neck of the radius on medial side
    • -attachment point for biceps
  18. Styloid Process
    • -projection on lateral and distal end of radius 
    • -looks like a little hook on the end of the bone
  19. Carpal
    -8 small bones in the wrist (humans)
  20. Metacarpal
    • -small bones in the hand 
    • -connect carpals to phalanges
  21. Phalanges
    -finges bones
  22. Os Coxae
    • -hip bone 
    • -comprises the ilium, ischium and pubis
  23. Pubis
    • very front part of os coxae
    • -fuses together
  24. Ischium
    -lower part of hip bone
  25. Ilium
    -uppermost crest part of hip bone
  26. Pubic Symphysis
    -cartilaginous joint connecting the pubises
  27. Obturator Foramen
    • -hole created by the ischium and pubis bones
    • -hole at the front of the os coxae
  28. Acetabulum
    -hole the head of the femur sits in on the os coxae
  29. Greater Trochanter
    -located at the top of the neck of the femur on the lateral side
  30. Lesser Trochanter
    -muscle attachment bump near the lower posterior part of the neck of the femur
  31. Medial Condyle
    • -the distal part of the femur 
    • -medial part that interacts with the tibia
  32. Lateral Condyle
    • -located at distal part of femur
    • -lateral side and interacts with the tibia
  33. Patella
    -knee cap bone
  34. Medial Malleolus
    • -the distal part of the tibia
    • -forms medial bump of ankle 
    • -interacts with the talus
  35. Lateral Malleolus
    • -lateral part of ankle
    • -distal part of fibula 
    • -interacts with talus
  36. Tarsal
    • -articulating bones in the ankle 
    • -similar to carpals in wrist
  37. Talus
    -bone that interacts with tibia and fibula from leg and calcaneus(heel) of foot
  38. Calcaneus
    -heel bone
  39. Metatarsal
    • -long bones in the foot
    • -similar to metacarpals in the hand
  40. Cervical Vertebrae
    • -immediately inferior to the skull
    • -stop at first rib connection to vertebrae(thoracic)
  41. Thoracic Vertebrae
    • -inferior to the cervical 
    • -carry a pair of ribs in mammals
  42. Lumbar Vertebrae
    • -vertebrae between the rib cage and pelvis 
    • -largest of vertebrae 
    • -absence of foramen transversarium 
    • -no facets on the sides of the body
  43. Sacral Vertebrae
    -vertebrae fused together contained in the pelvis
  44. Sacrum
    -triangular bone fit into the back of the os coxae
  45. Caudal Vertebrae
    -vertebrae of the tail
  46. Spinous Process
    • -part of the vertebrae that sticks directly out the back like a spike
    • -muscle and ligament attachment point
  47. Neural (vertebral) Arch
    -posterior part part of vertebrae to enclose the spinal cord
  48. Centrum
    -the main bony part of the vertebrae
  49. Cranial/Caudal Articular Process
    -facet of the vertebrae on the cranial or caudal side where the vertebrae interact with each other
  50. Transverse Process
    • -anterior most process of vertebrae 
    • -2 per vertebrae 
    • -muscle attachment points
  51. Atlantes (atlas)
    • -first cervical vertebrae 
    • -supports head
    • -has no body
    • -ring like 
    • -responsible for nodding and rotation of head when paired with axis
  52. Axis
    • -second cervical vertebrae 
    • -strong odontoid process 
    • -allows rotation and nodding of head when with atlas
  53. Transverse Foramen
    -located anterior to main foramen of the vertebrae and beside the body
  54. Odontoid Process(dens)
    • -found on the axis vertebrae 
    • -posterior to the body of the vertebrae 
    • -looks like a smaller blunter spinous process, but facing inwards
  55. Costal (rib) Head
    -part of rib closest to the vertebral column
  56. Costal (rib) Tubercle
    -on the caudal side of the rib near the head/neck of the rib (by the spine)
  57. Sternum
    -the bone that connects all of the true ribs
  58. Sternebrae
    • -bony segments of the sternum
    • -similar to vertebrae
  59. Manubrium
    • -the uppermost portion of the sternum
    • -articulates with clavicle and cartilage of first pair of ribs
  60. Postorbital Bar
    • -in some primates the bar that connects the zygomatic bone and frontal bones 
    • -tarsiers dont have it 
    • -humans have postorbital septum
  61. Humerus Trochlesr
    • -medial distal end of humerus 
    • -articulates with the trochlear notch(in ulna) as the elbow
  62. Humerus Capitulum
    -lateral bump on the distal end of the humerus
  63. Hyoid Bone
    -small wishbone looking thing for speech
  64. Gladiolus
    • -large middle section of the sternum 
    • -below the manubrium
  65. Xiphoid Process
    • -small cartilaginous process on the lower part of the sternum
    • -connected to the gladioulus
  66. Frontal Bone
    -forehead bone
  67. Orbit
    -cavity of the eye socket
  68. Postorbital Process
    • -distinct in less evolved mammals 
    • -juts out from the top of the skull into/overtop of the orbit
  69. Temporal Fossa
    • -shallow depression on the side of the skull
    • -bound by the temporal lines and ends below the zygomatic arch
  70. Parietal Bone
    -form the sides and roof of the cranium
  71. Interparietal Bone
    -in longer skulls forms the back portion of the braincase after the parietal bones end
  72. Sagittal Crest
    -crest that runs across the very top of the skull
  73. Occipital Bone
    -bone the is at the back and bottom of the skull, by the foramen magnum
  74. Lambdoidal Ridge
    -ridge formed between the parietal bones and the occipital bone
  75. Occipital Condyle
    • -directly beside the foramen magnum 
    • -look like little inflated sacks
  76. Foramen Magnum
    -large hole where spinal cord goes into head
  77. Temporal Bone
    • -at the side of the skull
    • -start near the top where the temples are and come down to where the ear is and part of the zygomatic arch
  78. Squamous Portion
    -top anterior part of temporal bone
  79. Zygomatic Bone
    • -lateral bone forming the orbit 
    • -forms the side of the face
  80. Zygomatic Arch
    -arch connecting the temporal bone and the zygomatic bone in the front/side of the face
  81. Mandibular Fossa
    -depression in the temporal bone(where it forms part of the zygomatic arch) that articulates with the mandibular condyle of the mandible
  82. Tympanic(auditory) Bullae
    -hollow bony structures that look like sacks, located more towards the jaw than the occipital condyles which look similar
  83. External Auditory Meatus
    -hole for the ear canal
  84. Mastoid Process
    • -comes from the bottom posterior part of the temporal bone 
    • -just behind ear hole
  85. Nasal Bone
    -part of nose located just above where the cartilage would start
  86. Premaxilla
    • -very front part of the maxillary jaw
    • -carries teeth
  87. Maxilla
    -maxillary part of jaw where teeth are mounted into the skull
  88. Palatine Bone
    • -back part of the maxillary jaw
    • -back 1/3 of the pallet in the top of mouth
  89. Lacrimal Bone
    • -for crying 
    • -medial part of orbit closest to nasal bone
  90. Nasolacrimal Canal
    -canal that goes up through/beside nasal bones connecting into the lacrimal bone
  91. Ethmoid Bone
    • -bone in the skull that separates the two sides of the nasal cavity
    • -looks thin when seen head on
  92. Sphenoid
    • -one of the 7 bones that form the orbit
    • -front middle of skull, form the back medial edge of orbit
  93. Vomer
    -looks like a tiny bone on the bottom part of the ethmoid bone
  94. Masseteric Fossa
    -part of the jaw on the lateral side between condyloid process and coronoid process
  95. Angular Process
    • -very bottom process of mandible
    • -below coronoid (top) and condyloid
  96. Mandibular Condyle
    • -contains the condyloid and neck of it
    • -bottom process of mandible
  97. Coronoid Process
    • -top process of the jaw
    • -articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
  98. Carotid Canal
    • -hole in bottom of skull that passes into temporal bone 
    • -starts on bottom of temporal bone
  99. Jugular Foramen
    • -located behind carotid canal
    • -front part is part of temporal bone(petrous portion) 
    • -back part is from occipital bone
  100. Optic Canal
    -hole in the orbit that goes into the skull
  101. Coronal Suture
    • -suture across top of head from temple to temple
    • -connects frontal bone to parietal bones
  102. Saggital Suture
    • -suture along the length of the skull
    • -fuses two parietal bones together
  103. Lambdoid Structure
    • -suture made of connective tissues
    • -connects two parietal bones to occipital bone at back of skull
  104. Squamosal Suture
    -connects lower back portion of temporal bone(squamous portion) to lower border of parietal bone
  105. Pterion
    -marks junction between parietal, sphenoid, and temporal bone
  106. Nuchal Crest
    -connection on the occipital bone for muscle attachment
  107. Sectorial Premolar
    -first lower premolar with shearing cusp
  108. Temporal Lines
    -part of temporal fossa where muscle attachment goes
  109. Palatine Foramen
    • -holes in the top of mouth
    • -near the back 1/3 of palate
  110. Infraorbital Foramen
    • -hole in maxillary bone
    • -just below orbit in maxilla slightly medial to zygomatic bone
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Arch 270 Lab Final 1
Arch 270 Lab Final 1