period of rapid physical maturation occurring primarily in early adolescence that involves hormonal and bodily changes
the growth spurt occurs approximated ___ years earlier in ____ than for ____
2; girls than for boys
girls first menstruation
associated in boys with the development of genitals, an increase in height, and a change in voice.
associated with breast, uterine, and skeletal development
estradiol (type of estrogen)
in the US, children mature up to a ___ earlier then children in euro countries
very early onset and rapid progression of puberty. earlier then 8 years in girls and 9 in boys
precocious puberty
an adolescents ____ identity involves activities, interests, styles of behavior, and an indication of sexual orientation
by age 20, ___ percent of US youth have engaged in sexual intercourse
alcohol use, early menarche, and poor parent child communication were linked to early ___ ____ behavior in girl
sexually intimate
the percentage of sexually active young adolescents is ____ in _____ income areas of inner cities
higher in lower
US adolescents use condoms less then euro kids, thus....
the pregnancy rate is higher
daughters of teenage mother are ___ percent more likely to become teenage mothers themselves
adolescent mothers are more likely to come from ___ ses backgrounds
given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep an average of _____ a night
9 hours and 25 minutes
most adolescents get ____ sleep then they need
adolescents biological clock undergoes a shift when they get older, _____ their period of sleepiness by about __ hour.
delaying, 1
a delay in the nightly release of ____, which is produced in the brains ___ gland seems to underlie the shift in sleep
melatonin, pineal
the three leading causes of death in adolescence are
- -accidents
- -homicide
- -suicide
half of all deaths in adolescents are caused by _____ injuries
substance and drug abuse has been on the ____
when it comes to binge drinking, ____ are more likely then ___ to do it.
males; females
a recent trend has been using _____, or in other words narcotics
pain killers
parental monitoring is linked with ____ incidence of problem behavior by adolescents, which includes substance abuse
having friends who do not do drugs is related to a lower level of substance use
what a concept
formal operational thought is ____. adolescents no longer are limited to _____ experiences as anchors for thought
abstract, concrete
the increased tendency to think about thought itself is an indication of
the abstract quality of formal operational stage
the heightened self consciousness of adolescents
adolescent egocentrism
involved adolescents belief that others are interested in them as they themselves are, as well as attention getting behavior motivated by a desire to be notices, visible, and "on stage"
imaginary audience
the part of adolescent egocentrism that involves an adolescents sense of uniqueness and invincibility
personal fable
adolescents often show a sense of _____ or _____
invincibility or invulnerability.