Lab Practical #1

  1. The ability to distinguish between close together?
  2. The ability to distinguish between an object and its background?
  3. What are the main differences between a eukaryote and a prokaryote?
    • Eukaryotes have a true nucleus, prokaryotes do not.
    • Both do have genetic material.
  4. Which type of paper is used only on a microscope?
    Lens paper
  5. List two ways to adjust the light when using a microscope.
    • Light intensity control knob
    • Iris diaphragm lever
  6. What is the proper procedure for oil immersion?
    Start with the red and focus then fine focus, move up a lens, fine focus, move a lens, fine focus. Set the objective lens between the blue and white. Add one drop of oil and move the oil immersion objective lens over the slide. Do not move the 40X objective over the oil. Make sure to clean oil off lens when done.
  7. Why is oil immersion important?
    It prevents the scattering of light and can give a much clearer image.
  8. Why is oil immersion never used with the 40X objective lens?
    There is no oil seal
  9. Which objective is used for oil immersion and what is the total oil immersion magnification?
    The objective is 100X and the total is 1000X
  10. What is the function of bacterial spores?
    Protection from harsh and hostile environments
  11. Which cell type contains spores?
    Only certain Gram+ Bacilli
  12. Why do spores remain clear after the Gram staining technique?
    Spores contain no cell wall.
  13. What is the function of the bacterial capsule?
    To hold in moisture. Prevent dessication.
  14. Define the prefix "Staphylo"
    Grape cluster
  15. Define the prefix "Strepto"
    Chain pattern
  16. Define the prefixes: diplo, tetrad and sarcina.
    • Diplo - two
    • tetrad - four
    • sarcina - eight or multiples of eight
  17. Describe palisade and what clustering pattern does it replace?
    Palisade is stacks of bacilli and it replaces staph.
  18. With an oral smear, which eukaryotic cell type is seen?
    Cheek cell
  19. Why are the sterile swabs dipped in sterile water before swabbing surfaces?
    To keep the sample pure. Make sure no bacteria is coming from either the swab or the water.
  20. Chemical produced by bacteria that eat red blood cells.
  21. Red Blood Cell destruction
  22. Boiled seaweed product used as media
Card Set
Lab Practical #1
Microbiology Lab Practical #1 Questions