The negatively charged part of an atom
The formal name for the actual image produced in radiology
a minute portion of matter
describes the flow of particles of energy resulting from an acceleration of an electric charge
electromagnetic radiation used to produce radiographs
an invisible image on the xray film after it is exposed to ionizing radiation before processing
latent images
determines quality of the radiograph
determines quantity of a radiograph
responsible for density in a radiograph
the positively charged end of the xray tube
the negatively charged end of the xray tube
the degree of darkening of exposed and processed radiographic film
the difference in density between 2 areas on a radiograph
a form of distortion that magnifies size
two types of anodes
rotating and stationary
the type of proportionality demonstrated by the inverse square law
indirect proportionality
the degree of darkening of exposed and processed radiographic film
the difference in density between two areas on a radiograph
the type of energy that includes xrays
electromagnetic (also mechanical, chemical, nuclear, and electrical)
the part of an xray tube that heats to a high temperature so electrons can be boiled off
the part of a rotary electric motor that turns
rule used to optimize kvp and increase/decrease penetration
15% rule
sante's rule
2 x thickness + 40 + grid factor
misrepresentation of an anatomic part by size or shape
a lack of image sharpness cause by patient movement
devise for measuring an anatomic area of interest
2 examples of the use of stationary anode
dental, portable radiographic unit, fluoroscopy
x ray with ____ wavelengths have higher frequency so will penetrate furthur
a shallow depression in the cathode that houses the filament
focusing cup
the stationary part of an elecric motor or alternator
the impact of having the bevel of the anode on the cathode side, which increases the intensity of radiation on that side
the anode heel effect
fluorescent sheets of plastic that convert xray radiation to visible light
intensifying screens
film stored in unsuitable conditions that looks dark with diminished contrast
film fog
The distance from the tube to the image receptor or cassette
SID (Source-image distance) or FFD (Focal film distance)
waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge
electromagnetic radiation
when electrons inadvertently bounce beyond the focal spot, appearing as an artifact (shadow image outside actual image)
off-focus radiation
movement that reduces the visibility of details or structures on a radiograph
taking more than one view/image on a cassette
splitting the cassette
the principle that ensures xrays are directed onto the object being radiographed, and sharpens the final image
line focus principle
a series of thin strips placed between the patient and cassette that decreases scatter radiation and increases contrast
smallest particle of electromagnetic radiation
the type of electrification most important in radiology
induction (others are contrast and friction)
this law states that the intensity of the xray beam is adversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source
inverse square law
ratio of heat to xrays
a dogs thorax measures 11 cm, and the kVp's are set at an appropriate level for a radiograph
76 kVp
a dogs thorax measures 11 cm, and the mAs is set at an appropriate level for a radiograph
5 mA's
A dogs abdomen measures 8 cm, and the kVps are set to an appropriate level for a radiograph
56 kVp
a dogs abdomen measures 8 cm and the mAs are set at an appropriate level for a radiograph
7.5 mAs
type of radiation that results from direct exposure without protection
type of radiation that is of the biggest concern to healthcare workers
secondary or scattered (uncontrollable, unseen, mechanism, etc)
one who could be exposed to radiation from man-made sources through work
radiation worker
3 cardinal rules of safety protection
time, distance, shielding
mAs for extremity
2.5 mAs
mAs for spine/bone
10 mAs
when elctrons hit this area in the anode, xrays are formed
target or focal point
universal principal of safety that governs everything we do
organs most susceptible to radiation
rapidly growing/dividing cells - thyroid, reproductive organs, hematopoietic cells, GI epithelium, eye lens
radiation tissue damage that occurs within the life of the individual
radiation tissue damage that results in negative impact for future generations
the amount of ionizing radiation a person might be exposed to without harm
MPD (maximum permissible dose)
3 qualities of a good dark room
clean, organized, light proof
gestation time when the fetus is most likely to be killed by radiation exposure
1st 9 days
gestation time at which fetal organ development will be most impacted
10 days - 6 weeks
when making a technique chart, the amount to decrease kVp for every cm decrease from original
2 kVp
the step in film processing where the sensitized silver halide crystals are chamged to black metallic silver
the step in film processing where the unchanged crystals from the film emulsion are removed, leaving the black metallic silver
4 advantages of digital processing
time, image storage and transport, cost savings, and follow up rads
2 disadvantages of digital processing
learning curve/training, equipment costs
when making a technique chart, the amount to increase kVp for every cm increase from original that places kVp above 100
4 kVp
indicator on dental film that helps the operator determine direction after a film is taken
film dot
5 steps of film processing
developing, rinsing/stop, fixing, washing, drying
a dental radiographing technique that minimizes image distortion and produces an accurate image of canine teeth
bisecting angle technique
type of radiograph unit without a collimator