chapter 9 lifespan

  1. for the most part, middle and late childhood is a time of _____ excellent health
    excellent health
  2. the leading cause of death during middle and late childhood
  3. defined in terms of height and weight
    body mass index
  4. children at or above the 97th percentile are included in the ____ category
  5. children at or above the 95h percentile of the bmi index are considered
  6. over the last 3 decades, the percentage of US children who are at risk of being overweight has
  7. _____ are more likely than ____ to be overweight. this difference occurs in many countries
    girls; boys
  8. _____ disease is uncommon in children
  9. children with high body mass index and waist circumference are at risk for ___ ____ which is a constellation of obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
    metabolic syndrome
  10. cancer is the ____ leading cause of death among US children
    second. 1/330
  11. until the 1970's most US public schools either ___ enrollment to children with ____ or inadequately served them
    refused; disabilities
  12. act that required that all students with disabilities be given a free, appropriate public education
    education for all handicapped children act
  13. a written statement that spells out a program specifically tailored to a child with a disability
    individualized education plan
  14. a setting that is as similar as possible to the one in which children who do not have a disability are educated
    least restrictive environment
  15. educating a child with special education needs full time in the regular classroom
  16. this stage proposed by piaget lasts from approximately __ -___ years of age
  17. in the concrete operational stage, children can perform concrete operations and they can reason _____ as long as reasoning can be applied to _____ or concrete examples
    logically; specific
  18. ____ operations allow the child to consider several characteristics rather than focus on a single property of an object.
  19. one important skill of the concrete operational stage is that kids have the ability to ____ or ____ things into different sets or subsets and to consider their _______
    classify or divide; interrelationships
  20. the concrete operation that involves ordering stimuli along a quantitative dimension such as length
  21. the ability to logically combine relations to understand certain conclusions
  22. argue that piaget got some things right but that his theory needs considerable revision
    neo piagetians
  23. a child who has difficulty in learning that involves understanding or using spoken or written language, and the difficulty can appear in listening, thinking, reading, writing, and spelling. to be classified as a ___ ____ the learning problem is not primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities
    learning disability
  24. ___x as many boys than girls are classified as having a learning disability
  25. boys are more likely to be referred by teachers for teachers because of troublesome behavior
    referral bias
  26. ___ percent of children with a learning disability have a ____ problem too
    80; reading
  27. three types of learning disabilities
    • -dyslexia
    • -dysgraphia
    • -dyscalculia
  28. individuals who have a severe impairment in their ability to read and spell
  29. learning disability that involves difficulty in handwriting
  30. developmental arithmetic disorder. difficulty in math computation
  31. ____ disabilities are due to problems in ____ information from multiple brain regions or subtle difficulties in brain structures and functions
    learning; integrating
  32. problem solving skills and the ability to learn from and adapt to the experiences of everyday life
  33. a persons mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100
    intelligence quotient
  34. tests that analyze an individual's response in five content areas
    -fluid reasoning
    -quantitative reasoning
    -visual spatial reasoning
    -working memory
    stanford binet tests
  35. sternbergs theory that intelligence consists of analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence
    triarchic theory of intelligence
  36. _____ theory of intelligence says that intelligence comes in 3 forms
    -practical intelligence
  37. ability to analyze, judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast
    analytical intelligence
  38. consists of the ability to create, design, invent, originate, and imagine
    creative intelligence
  39. involves the ability to use, apply, implement and put ideas into practice
    practical intelligence
  40. 8 frames of mind that belong too...
    -bodily kinesthetic
    gardners eight frames of mind
  41. frame of mind:
    the ability to think in words and use languages to express meaning
  42. frame of mind:
    the ability to carry out mathematical operations
  43. frame of mind:
    the ability to think three dimensionally
  44. frame of mind:
    the ability to manipulate objects and be physically adept
    bodily kinesthetic
  45. frame of mind:
    a sensitivity to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone
  46. frame of mind:
    ability to understand and interact effectively with others
  47. frame of mind:
    ability to understand oneself
  48. frame of mind:
    ability to observe pattern in nature and understand natural and human made systems
  49. a condition of limited mental ability in which an individual has a low IQ, usually below 70 on a traditional test of intelligence and has difficulty adapting to everyday life
    mental retardation
  50. mental retardation that is caused by a genetic disorder or by brain damage. indicates physical damage
    organic retardation
  51. mental deficit in which no evidence of organic brain damage can be found
    cultural familiar retardation
  52. having above average intelligence of about 130 IQ or higher, and/or superior talent for something
  53. 3 criteria for gifted peoples
    • precocity
    • marching to their own drummer
    • a passion to master
  54. they begin to master an area earlier than their peers. learning in their domain is more effortless for them than ordinary children. high ability in a particular domain
  55. they need minimal help, or scaffolding from adults to learn. they resist and kind of explicit information. make discoveries on their own in strange ways
    marching to their own drummer
  56. driven to understand the domain in which they have high ability. intense, obsessive interest and an ability to focus. do not need to be pushed by their parents
    passion to master
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chapter 9 lifespan
test 2