Health Assesment Midterm-jaime.txt

  1. Lethargic
    Must speak to patient in loud forceful manner to get a response
  2. Obtunded
    You must shake pt to get response
  3. Stuporous
    The pt is unarousable except by painful stimuli
  4. Coma
    Pt completely unarousable
  5. Perceptions
    Awareness to their environment and surroundings
  6. Thought process
    Logic, coherence, and relevance to patients thoughts as they lead to thoughts and goals
  7. Insight
    Awareness or thought that symptoms or behaviors are normal or abnormal
  8. Judgement
    Process of comparing and evaluating different possible courses of action
  9. Euthymic
  10. Dysthymic
  11. Manic
  12. Fluency
    Rate flow and melody of speech
  13. Circumlocutions
    Words or phrases are substituted for the word a person can not remeber
  14. Paraphasias
    Words are malformed, wrong, or invented
  15. Neologism
    Invented or distorted words
  16. Confabulation
    Memory disturbance
  17. Preservation
    Keeps bringing stuff back up
  18. Echolalia
    Immediate repetition of words
  19. Clanging
    • Mode of speech
    • Words that don't go together buy rhyme
  20. Delusions
    False, fixed beliefs that are not shared by other members of the persons culture
    When assessing a patients thoughts it is important to always follow specific questions to keep pt on task
    • False
    • Take leads from patient
  22. Which of following is true about hallucinations
    • A. Experience may or may not be recognized as false
    • B. may be auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, or somatic
    • C. Do not include false perceptions associated with dreaming and falling asleep
    • D. All of the above

  23. Digital span
    Give patient sting of numbers to recite back to you
  24. Serial 7's
    Have patient subtract 7 from 100
  25. Constructional ability
    • Ask pt to copy geometric figure
    • Have pt draw clock with specific time
    • Sleep
    • Interest
    • Guilt
    • Energy
    • Concentration
    • Appetite
    • Psychomotor activity
    • Suicide
  27. Bipolar
    • Distract ability
    • Indiscretion
    • Grandiosity
    • Flight of ideas
    • Activity increase
    • Sleep deficit
    • Talkativeness
    • Se
  28. Alcohol
    Cage question air
    • Cut down
    • Annoyed
    • Guilty
    • Eye opener- drink first thing in morning
  29. Sixth vital sign
    Assessing functional status
    • A- asymmetry
    • B- border irregularity
    • C-color variation
    • D- diameter greater than 6 mm
    • E- elevation or enlargement
  31. Macule
    • Less
    • Than 1 cm
    • Flat, discolored, uncircumcised
  32. Patch
    • Bigger than macular
    • Greater than 1 cm
    • Flat, discolored
  33. Papule
    • Less than 1 cm
    • Raised
  34. Nodule
    • Same as papule
    • Greater than 1 cm
  35. Plaque
    • Greater than 1 cm
    • Raised, superficial, flat,
  36. Vesicle
    • Less than 1 cm
    • Filled with serous fliid
  37. Bulla
    Greater than 1 cm vesicle
  38. Pustule
    Raised, superficial, filled with cloudy purulent drainage
  39. Wheal
    Raised irregular area of edema, solid, variable size,

  40. Scales
    • Irregular formation of exfoliated, karatinized cells
    • Irregular shape and size
  41. Crust
    Dried serum, blood, or exudate
  42. Lichenification
    Thickened epidermis with accentuated skin lines caused by rubbing
  43. Scar
    Thick or fibrous tissue
  44. Fissure
    Linear break in skin through dermis and epidermis
  45. Excoriation
    Hollowed out area of all or portion of epidermis with depressed appearance
  46. Erosion
    Healing without --------
    • Localized loss of epidermis
    • Healing without scarring
  47. Ulcer
    Loss of epidemis and dermis
  48. Atrophy
    Depression resulting from loss of dermis and epidermis
  49. Burrow
    A narrow channel produced by a parasite
  50. Telangiectasia
    Superficial dilated blood vessel
  51. Petechiae
    Less than 1 cm circumscribed deposit of blood
  52. Purpura
    Greater than 1 cm circumscribed deposit of blood
  53. Lichen Planus
    Bluish or purplish patches on extremities hands and fert
  54. Erythema nodosum
    • Often bilateral, poorly defined, red nodule swelling over shins
    • Looks like bruising over lower extremities
  55. Dermafibroma
    Solitary, done shaped, fixed, pink to brown, lateral pressure causes dimpling

    Picture of side of ankle. Under am
  56. Granules annulare
    Asymptomatic, flesh colored or red Papules that progress to agranular ring without scale.
  57. Cyst
    Raised, circumscribed, encapsulated with a wall and lumen filled with liquid or solid
  58. Acne
    Comodones and inflammatory Papules, pustules, and nodules
  59. Boil
    Red, hard, tender

    • Aka abscess
    • MRSA
  60. Hidradentitis
    Inflammatory subcutaneous nodules, perforate, drain, and for sinus with healing
  61. Pyrogenic granuloma

    Vascular Papule arising at site of previous trauma

    Looks like it could bleed at any moment
  62. Rosecea
    • Face redness.
    • Do not always have bulbulous nose
  63. Actinic Keratosis
    • From over exposure to sun
    • Mainly seen in elderly starts early in life
  64. Basal cell carcinoma
    Flesh colored. Blends jn
  65. Squamous cell
    Irregular border, more erythematous.
  66. Melanoma
    • Nodular or flat
    • Elevated irregular border
    • Dark red, black, brown, bluish
    • Asymetrical
  67. Metastasis
    Breast cancer metastasized
  68. Tinea pedis
    Athletes foot
  69. Melanoma
    Flat but irregular borders asymmetrical, color changes
  70. Carotid pulse
    • Brisk - normal
    • Delayed- aortic stenosis
    • Bounding - aortic insufficiency
  71. Point of maximum impulse
    • Tapping = normal
    • Sustained = left ventricular hypertrophy from hypertension or aortic stenosis
    • Diffuse = suggested dilated ventricle from congestive heart failure or cardiomyopathy
  72. Systolic murmur
    Benign or pathologic
  73. Diastolic murmur
    Always pathologic
  74. Stenosis
    Valve failure to open adequately
  75. Incompetent valve or regurgitation
    • Failure about to close adequately
    • -backward flow of blood
  76. Grade one murmur
    • Very faint
    • Barely audible in a quiet room
  77. Grade 2 murmur
    Soft but audible in a quiet room
  78. Grade 3 murmur
    • Moderately loud
    • Without thrill
  79. Great 4 murmur
    • Loud and easily heard
    • Associated with thrill
  80. Great 5 murmur
    • Very loud
    • Easily palpable thrill
  81. Great six murmur
    • Very loud
    • Visible and palpable thrill
    • Can be heard with the stethoscope fully off the chest
  82. Systolic murmurs
    Mr. Pass wins the MVP
    • Mitral regurgitation
    • Physiologic
    • Aortic stenosis
    • Systolic
    • Mitral valve prolapse
  83. Diastolic murmurs
    Ms. ARD
    • Mitral stenosis
    • Aortic regurgitation
    • Diastolic
  84. vesicle with erythematous base
    chicken pox
  85. Vesicular dermatomal distribution, does not cross midline
  86. harolds patch with Christmas tree distribution
    pityriasis rosacea
  87. scaley plaques, wide spread distribution
  88. seborrhea and dandruff
    head and trunk sites of sebaceous glands, rich skin
  89. diascopy
    • use of compression of a lesion, usually accomplished with microscopic slide.
    •  see if it blanches, if redness goes away when blanching it may tell you something
  90. woods light exam

    tinea versicolor
    pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • long uv light used in examination of the skin. findings under light
    • tv= dull golden yellow
    • pa= yellowish green
  91. tzanck smear
    for herpes simplex
  92. nevus flammeus in neonates
    stork bite at back of neck, fades and then goes away.
  93. Mongolian spots
    • usually Mediterranean descent
    • bluish color above buttocks
  94. linea nigra
    in pregnant women, trail of hair down abdomen
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Health Assesment Midterm-jaime.txt