Medieval Ages Ch12-13

  1. The Middle Ages (Medieval)
    • 476-1450
    • 1. Gregorian Chant
    • 2. The Mass
    • 3. Medieval Cloister
    • 4. Hildegard of Bingen
    • 5. Rise of Polyphony
    • 6. Organum
    • 7. Early Medieval Motet
  2. Gregorian Chant
    • simple song
    • monophony- 1 voice no accomp.
    • freely moving melody
    • non metric rhythm
    • no harmony
    • noted by neumes
    • 1. Syllabic- 1 note per syllable
    • 2. Neumatic- a few syllables per note
    • 3. Melosmatic- many notes per syllable
  3. The Mass
  4. Medieval Cloitste
    religious seclusion devoted to prayer
  5. Hildegard of Bingen
    • 1st women to write music
    • head of monastery
    • poet, prophet
    • Alleluia O virga mediatrix (12th cnt. acapella)
  6. Polyphony
    • two or more musical lines
    • rise in Medieval Ages
    • regular meters
  7. Organum
    • second voice added
    • 12th & 13th centuries
  8. Motet
    • texts added to upper voices of organum
    • sacred and secular texts combined
    • "word"
  9. Secular Muisc of The Middle Ages ch.13
  10. Secular Songs
    focus idealized love & code of behavior
  11. French Ars Nova
    • new art
    • secular themes
    • Guillaume de Machaut
  12. Early Instrumental Music
    • improvised not notated
    • supported vocal music
    • 1. Soft (bas)
    • 2. Loud (haut)
    • 3. Other instruments
    • 4. Organs
  13. Loud (haut)
    • 1. Tournaments
    • 2. Processions
    • 3. Shawm
    • 4. Sackbut
  14. Soft (bas)
    • 1. recorder
    • 2. pipe
    • 3. lute
    • 4. harp
    • 5. hammered
    • 6. psaltery
    • 7. dulcimer
    • 8. rebec
    • 9. vielle
Card Set
Medieval Ages Ch12-13
Miedieval Ages Ch12-13, Sacred and Secular music