Lab Review: Parasitology (Ruminants)

  1. Name the "hot worm" speciecies of the genus richostronglyes:
    • haemonchus
    • ostertagia
    • trichostrongylus
  2. Trichostrongyles are nematodes that resemble....
  3. Who are the larger trichostrongyles with tapered ends? N
  4. Adult trichostrongyles are found where?AI
    • abomasum
    • intestine
  5. Haemonchus contortus (a type of trichostongyle) is aka the
    barber pole worm
  6. Haemoncus contortus is found in the abomasum of who? SGA
    • sheep
    • goats
    • alpaca
  7. What does Haemonchus contortus cause? AB
    • anemia
    • bottle jaw (edema of lower jaw)
  8. What gives Haemonchus contortus its claim to fame?
    resistant to many anthilmentics
  9. What is the intestinal threadworm of ruminants?SP
    strongyloides papillosus
  10. What do the parthenogenic females of strongyloides papillosus do?
    lay unfertilized eggs that develop into individual larvated eggs
  11. Why are strongyloides papilloss found free living in feces?
    because they do not attach to the small intestine
  12. MOI strongyloides papillosus:SIT
    • skin-b/t hooves
    • ingestion
    • transmammary in cows
  13. Strongyloides papillosus are coughed up and swallowed. What do they cause?DWB
    • d+
    • weight loss
    • blood in feces
  14. What is the cestode tapeworm of ruminants?M
  15. Which moniezia sp. is triangular/pyramid shape and found in sheep?ME
    moniezia expansa
  16. Which moniezia species is square/cuboidal shaped and is common in cattle?MB
    moniezia benedini
  17. Moniezia may or may not be harmful depending on size. What is the IH?
    oribatid grain mite
  18. What is the ruminant liver fluke?FH
    fasciola hepatica
  19. Fasciola hepatica is a trematode found in fecal sedimentation why?
    doesn't float
  20. Why does Fasciola hepatica cause the most economic concern?LC
    • liver rot
    • condemation of cattle at slaughter
  21. What is the ruminant coccida/protozoan that causes d+?E
  22. What is the oval shaped eimeria in cows?B
  23. What eimeria is spherical and found in sheep and goats?z
  24. Can an animal be infected with more than one species of eimeria?
  25. What is found in calves and crias(baby alpaca)?CP
    cryptosporidium parvum
  26. Cryposporidium parvum is most often found in feces and is prepared with what?
    Sheathers sugar solution
  27. Cryptosporidium causes d+++ in humans and is easily identified with what staining technique?
    acid fast
  28. What is aka the horn fly/biting house fly and is the cause of the greatest economic loss from an arthropod?HI
    haematobia irritans
  29. What does haematobia irritans carry?SA
    What does this cause?
    • staph aureus
    • mastitis in cows
  30. Adult haematobia irritans feed on the host's blood and females lay eggs where?
    fresh manure
  31. What is beelike and aka the nasal bot fly?OO
    oestrus ovis
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Lab Review: Parasitology (Ruminants)