Sociology chapter 4

  1. What is socialization?
    process whereby the helpless infant gradually becomes a swell-aware knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of his or her culture.
  2. Social reproduction
    is the process whereby societies have structureal continuity over time.
  3. What are mead's three stages of socialization?
    immitaiton of those around them- playing adult roles

    self-consciousness- see themselves as others see them age eight or nine-organized games

    generalized other-the general values and moral rules of the culture in which they are developing.
  4. Jean peaget
    • sensorimotor stage
    • preoperational stage
    • egocentric stage
    • concrete operational stage
    • formal operational stage.
  5. What are social roles?

    are socially defined expectiatons of an indiviudal in a given status or social position.

    is tha charactersitc that is attributed to an indivudual by others.
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Sociology chapter 4
Chapter 4 sociology "Socialization"