Facts about glaucoma?
- progressive optic neuropathy
- ant+post segments
- high iop causes damage: retina/optic nerve
- VF changes
- asx until advnaced
- blindness irreversible
What is glaucoma?
optic neuropathy
What are the types of OAG?
- POAG- high IOP
- NTG- normal iop
- 2ndy OAG
What is the prevalance of POAG?
africans, latinos
What is the prevalence of all glaucoma?
What is the prevalence of PACG?
What is the prevalence of OCH?
RF of OAG?
- africans and hispanics
- age
- fmHx
- high IOP
Glaucoma and blacks?
- 3-6x POAG
- earlier, rapidly, blindness
- thinner corneas 515
- >OD
Glaucoma abos?
- thinner cornea
- larger disc
- PXF higher
- diabetes
What is defined as a ACG?
>270 degrees
- age
- FmHx
- race: chinese 80-90%, eskimo, indian
- gender: females smaller eyes 70%
- Ocular: AC depth, hyperopia, lens thickness, small CC
What type of glaucoma causes more morbidity?
What can cause 2ndy glaucomas?
PXF, PDS, uveitis, diabetes, trauma, CRVO,BRVO