10/15 lifespan notes

  1. -increases appropriate behavior in child
    -uses reinforcement for appropriate social skills
    -utilized to decrease tantrums
    -encourages smooth transitioning
    applied behavioral analysis for autism
  2. -improves receptive and expressive speech deficits
    -helps improve articulation problems
    -usually provided at public schools
    -speech therapy for autism
  3. -improves motor skill deficits (fine and gross)
    -improves sensory integration problems
    occupational therapy for autism
  4. encourage and reinforce to interact with each other
    social skills training for autism
  5. -not as old as traditional treatments
    -not usually covered by medical insurance
    biomedical treatments for autism
  6. -many autistic people cant process these so a diet not including them is ideal
    gluten free/ casein free diet
  7. -due to leaky guts syndrome, autistic people cant absorb very much vitamins
    -vitamins and supplements are taken, they include zinc, magnesium, and calcium
    -can include probiotics
    -omega 3/ fish oil
    dietary supplements
  8. -helps decrease heavy metal burden with prescription meds
    -orally or interveneously
    -DMPS; DMSA   <---- what they are called
    chelation treatments for heavy metals
  9. -series of sessions or treatments where the system is saturated with oxygen
    hyperbolic oxygen therapy
  10. -"retraining" the brain
    -rewarding certain brain waves
    neurofeedback for autism, ADHD, and
  11. -autistic kids often have insomnia, anxiety, and intestinal problems
    -usually melatonin and l-tryptophan are given, but if that doesn't work then...
    prescription meds are given to help
  12. who benefits from prescription meds the most?
    children with more mild forms seem to have better effects
  13. prescriptions for gastrointestinal tract, anxiety, and insomnia are usually covered by insurance, but ___ _____ are not
    radical treatments
  14. -neurological developmental disorder
    -considered to be a learning disorder as well
    -characterized by high levels of distractability, poor attention span, high levels of physical activity
  15. 3 presentations of ADHD
    • -combined presentation
    • -innatention
    • -hyperactive impulsive
  16. ADHD children with _____ ______ are easier to identify
    combined presentation
  17. ADHD children with _____ are the hardest to diagnose
  18. ADHD is found ___x more often in men
    two times (gimme some)
  19. percentage of children with ADHD. adults?
    5%; 2.5%
  20. to be diagnosed with ADHD children must have how many of the 9 symptoms in both categories. adults?
    6 of 9 both of the categories. adults need 5 of 9 in both categories
  21. symptoms of inattention
    • 1-careless mistakes
    • 2-difficulty sustaining attention
    • 3-difficulty listening
    • 4-difficulty following through (hw, chores)
    • 5-difficulty with organization
    • 6-avoids task that requires sustained mental effort
    • 7-losing things
    • 8-easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
    • 9-forgetful in daily activities
  22. hyperactivity symptoms
    • 1-fidgeting
    • 2-leaving seat in classroom when not appropriate
    • 3-running and climbing when not appropriate
    • 4-unable to engage in leisure activities quietly
    • 5-on the go/restlessness
    • 6-excessive talking
    • 7-blurting out answers before questions are completed
    • 8-difficulty waiting for turn
    • 9-interrupting or intruding on others
  23. DSM says that some symptoms in children must show up before ___ years, and in ___ different settings. The symptoms must be significant enough to ____ with _____
    12; 2; interfere, functioning
  24. ADHD appears to run in families ___ to ____% of people with ADHD have a ___ or ____ with the condition
    30-50; parent or sibling
  25. a ________ imbalance in the brain, particularly ____ can cause ADHD
    neurochemical; dopamine
  26. some people think that ___ ___ aggrevates symptoms of ADHD
    food dyes
  27. Ritalin and adderal stimulate the frontal lobes  (control/inhibition) and the parietal lobes (attention). these drugs are considered ___ ____ medication for _____
    prescription stimulant meds for ADHD
  28. prescription stimulant medications can ____ appetite and ____ growth
    suppress; stunt
  29. another form of ADHD treatment is ____ patches
  30. non prescription meds are meant to stimulate ____ levels. the work best on people with ____ ADHD
    dopamine; mild
  31. the adolescent brain had a major increase in the ____
    amygdala. this is an explanation of the intense emotional reactions
  32. the _____ cortex is not fully mature until ____ to ____ years old
    prefrontal; 18-25
  33. because of the late development of the ____ and ____ cortex, a teen cannot control the intense emotional reaction because of the lack of development. this also explains the ____ behavior teens take part in
    amygdala and prefrontal; risky
  34. women are ___x more likely to have _____ or _____ then men
    ten; anorexia or bulimia
  35. DSM5 states that "young" females prevalence of anorexia is
    .4 %
  36. average age of onset anorexia is ___ years old
  37. anorexia is rare to see in _____ and in women over ____
    children women over 40
  38. onset of anorexia and bulimia is most associated with
    stressful life events
  39. crude mortality rate of anorexia is ____% and ___% of people that are hospitalized from anorexia end up dying
    5 and 10
  40. ____, anxiety, ocd, and _____ are commonly diagnosed with anorexia
    depression, bi polar
  41. -perfectionism is directed at self
    -over controlling of food intake
       -likely due to lack of self control in other areas
    personality issues concerning anorexia
  42. 3 mandatory diagnostic symptoms
    • 1-individual must be medically underweight because of caloric intake. based on age, gender, height and bmi
    • 2-intense fear of gaining weight or getting weight
    • 3-body image distortion
  43. -restricting type
    -binge eating/purging type
    2 subtypes of anorexia
  44. purging and binge eating can be considered anorexia not bulimia if the person is
    medically underweight
  45. treatment for anorexia
    • -gaining weight back
    • -cognitive therapy
    • -family therapy
  46. DSM's prevalence of bulimia in "young" females
  47. bulimia is most commonly diagnosed between __ to ___ years old
  48. "cormorbid" diagnoses of bulimia
    -borderline personality disorder
    all are often diagnosed with bulimia. people with bulimia often have impulsive issues
  49. diagnostic criteria for bulimia
    • -recurrent binge eating
    • -recurrent compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain
    • -pattern of occurring at least once a week for 3 months
  50. people who binge eat will eat around ____ to ____ in less than two hours
    1500-3000. often people show a lack of control when eating
  51. -self induced vomiting
    -misuse of laxatives
  52. -fasting
    -excessive exercise
    non purging compensatory behavior
  53. treatment for bulimia
    • -cognitive therapy
    • -group therapy
    • -patients will be prescribed a SSRI
  54. ___ % of people improve their bulimia with cognitive therapy
  55. ___% of people that go to group therapy for bulimia improve
  56. being prescribed ____ for bulimia decreses ____ and ____, it has a 40% success rate
    SSRI, binging and purging
  57. relapse rates are high for bulimia, even with adequate treatment relapse rates are about
    1/3 of the people
Card Set
10/15 lifespan notes
lifespan psychology