Terminology Quiz week9

  1. albumin/o
    albumin, protein
  2. albuminoid
    resembling albumin
  3. -oid
  4. azot/o
    nitrogenous compounds
  5. azotemia
    nitrogenous compounds in the blood
  6. -emia
  7. bacteri/o
    • bacteria
    • (singular: bacterium)
  8. bacteriuria
    bacteria in urine
  9. -uria
  10. cysto/o
  11. cystoscope
    an instrument for examining the bladder
  12. vesicocele
    • hernia of the bladder
    • AKA cystocele
  13. -cele
    • hernia
    • swelling
  14. glomerul/o
  15. glomerulopathy
    disease of the glomerulus
  16. -pathy
  17. kal/i
  18. hypokalemia
    abnormally low concentration of potassium in the blood
  19. keton/o
    ketone bodies (acids and acetones)
  20. ketonuria
    presence of ketone bodies in the urine
  21. lith/o
    • stone
    • calculus
  22. lithotripsy
    crushing of a stone
  23. -tripsy
  24. meat/o
    • opening
    • meatus
  25. meatotomy
    incision of the urinary meatus
  26. nephr/o
  27. nephropexy
    fixation of kidney
  28. -pexy
    fixation (of an organ)
  29. noct/o
  30. nocturia
    excessive and frequent urination after going to bed
  31. olig/o
  32. oliguria
    scanty (decreased production) urine
  33. scanty
    decreased production
  34. py/o
  35. pyorrhea
    flow or discharge of pus
  36. pyel/o
    renal pelvis
  37. pyeloplasty
    surgical repair of the renal pelvis
  38. -plasty
    surgical repair
  39. ur/o
    • urine
    • urinary tract
  40. urolith
    stone in the urinary tract
  41. ureter/o
  42. ureterectasis
    dilation of the ureter
  43. -ectasis
    • dilation
    • expansion
  44. urethr/o
  45. urethrostenosis
    narrowing or stricture of the urethra
  46. -genesis
    • forming
    • producing
    • origin
  47. lithogenesis
    forming or producing stones
  48. -iasis
    • abnormal condition
    • produced by something specified
  49. -uria
  50. lithiasis
    abnormal condition of stones or calculi
  51. polyuria
    • much urine
    • much excretion of urine
  52. dia-
    • through
    • across
  53. dialysis
    mechanical filter process used to cleanse the blood of toxic substances, such as nitrogenous wastes, when kidneys fail to function properly
  54. hemodialysis
    type of dialysis in which artificial kidney machine receives waste filled blood, filters the blood, and returns the dialyzed (clean) blood to the patient's bloodstream
  55. peritoneal
    type of dialysis in which toxic substances are removed from the body by using the peritoneal membrane as the filter by perfusing (flushing) the peritoneal cavity with a warm, sterile chemical solution
  56. BUN
    blood urea nitrogen
  57. Blood urea nitrogen
    determines the amount of nitrogen in the blood that comes from urea, a waste product of protein metabolism
  58. C&S
    culture and sensitivity
  59. Culture and Sensitivity
    determines the causative organism of an infection and identifies how the organism responds to various antibiotics
  60. UA
  61. Urinalysis
    Urine screening test that includes physical observation, clinical tests and microscopic evaluation
  62. IVP
    intravenous pyelography
  63. intravenous pyelography
    imaging of the urinary tract after an IV injection of a contrast medium, AKA excretory urography EU
  64. retro
    • backward
    • behind
  65. retroperitoneal
    pertaining to the area behind the peritoneum
  66. cystoscopy
    examination of the bladder for evidence of pathology, obtaining biopsies of tumors or other growths and removal of polyps using specialized endoscope
  67. Hesitancy
    difficulty starting urination
  68. enuresis
    • involuntary discharge of urine
    • AKA incontinence
  69. oliguria
    scanty production of urine
  70. dysuria
    painful or difficult urination, commonly described as a Burning sensation while urinating
  71. bladder neck obstruction
    blockage at the base of the bladder that reduces or prevents urine from passing into the urethra
  72. BNO
    Bottle Neck Obstruction
  73. anuria
    absence of urine production
  74. PSA
    prostate specific antigen
  75. PSA
    Prostate Specific Antigen
    Blood test to detect prostate disorders especially prostate cancer
  76. semen analysis
    that that analyzes a semen sample for volume, sperm count, mobility and morphology to evaluate fertility or verify sterilization after vasectomy
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Terminology Quiz week9
terminology Quiz Urinary