Large Animal 1: Swine Basics (Piglet Processing-Restraint)

  1. what is considered a large litter?
    8-14 piglets
  2. A large litter is called
  3. Iron injections are given to prevent anemia. Pigs are born iron deficient because of their rapid growth. When is this injection given?
    within 1-2d of birth
  4. Increased HR felt through chest wall.
    Labored breathing and weakness may also be noted.
    baby thumps
  5. How are baby thumps prevented?
    • iron dextran injection in neck(150-200mg)
    • supplement in feed
  6. Tails are docked _ from the base of the tail.
  7. Why are tails docked?
    pigs nip at each other's tails in the pen and an infx can cause ataxia and paralysis
  8. What is used to dock the tails?
  9. What is done after the tail is docked?
    stump is dipped in antiseptic solution
  10. Which 8 teeth are the needle teeth?
    I3 and canines
  11. These needle teeth are removed to prevent injury to the sow and other piglets. How is this done?
    with wire cutters
  12. In ear notching the litter number is on what ear?
    the right
  13. In ear notching the pig number is placed on what ear?
    left ear
  14. What can be done instead of ear notching?
    tattooing or plastic tags
  15. 2 main ways pigs defend themselves
    • vocalization
    • biting
  16. How are pigs directed?
    • panels/barriers
    • lightweight canes
    • tail
  17. How are pigs placed in standing restraint?
    • hog snare or snubbing rope around snout/upper jaw
    • rope harness
  18. Used to get pig into sternal recumbancy
  19. How are piglets restrained?
    • grab hing leg
    • hold around thorax
  20. Special restraint procedures:CCHVL
    • crate
    • chute
    • head gate
    • v-trough
    • lamb sling
Card Set
Large Animal 1: Swine Basics (Piglet Processing-Restraint)