Luria, Bertani, Weigle
Obsevered some strains of e.coli were resistant to Lambda phage
Werner Arber
- Identified Restriction due to cutting of lambda DNA
- Observed methylation
Arber, Linn, Meselson and Yuan
Isolated EcoK (first restriction endonuclease)
Hamilton Smith
Isolated H. Influenzae retricion enzyme (HindI)
Daniel Nathans
Restriction map of SV40 with HindIII
Sharp, Sugden, Sambrook
Something to do with Agarose gel
Robert? Southern
Southern Blotting
Kary Mullis
Spoke to a green glowing Raccon
P. Berg
Ligated plasmid and phage DNA using added A's and T's
S. Cohen, A.Chang
Used Mendel and Higa's technique to introduce antibiotic resistant plasmid to e. coli
Boyer, Cohen and Chang
Used sticky ends produced by restriction enzyme to create recombinant plasmid
Birnboim and Dolly
Alkaline Lysis