
  1. What are personality characteristics?
    nonintellective aspects of human behavior
  2. what is working definition of personality?
    relatively stable and distinctive patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that characterize an individual and his/her interactions with the environment
  3. personality) what are types?
    • are general descriptions of people
    • *classifications
  4. personality) are traits enduring or not?
  5. personality) what are states?
    emotional reactions that vary from one situation to another
  6. personality) what is self-concept?
    is an organized, consistent set of assumptions person has about him/herself
  7. what two things can personality tests be used for?
    diagnosis or for description
  8. what 2 forms can personality tests be administered?
    projective and structured
  9. strategies of personality test construction) 2 things that describe deductive

  10. strategies of personality test construction) empirical
    -criterion group

    -factor analytic
  11. deductive strategies) what 2 things do they use to determine the meaning of a test response?
    reason and logic
  12. deductive strategies) logical-content strategy- what is logic used for?
    to deduce (draw a logical conclusion) the types of items needed to measure a particular construct
  13. deductive strategies) logical-content strategy- what 2 things does it assume?
    -test item describes subjects personality and behavior

    • -person answers honestly and knows the true answer
    • *knows themself
  14. deductive strategies) theoretical strategy- how does a theretical strategy start off?
    with a theory about the nature of the contruct to be measured
  15. deductive strategies) theoretical strategy- which items are deduced?
    only the ones that must be consistent with the theory
  16. deductive strategies) theoretical strategy- what type of scale does it attempt to create?
    homogenous scale
  17. empiraical strategies) what does it use to determine the meaning of a test response, a major personality dimesion, or both through measuring what is observed?
    empirical research
  18. empirical strategies) criterion-group strategy- what 2 type of group of individuals are gathered? (2)
    individuals who have the trait or construct and group of individuals who do not (control)
  19. empirical strategies) criterion-group strategy- which items are retained?
    the ones that are reliably distinguish individuals from criterion from individuals in control group
  20. empirical strategies) criterion-group strategy- after retaining the items that were reliable, what is the next step?
    cross validate the scale with new criterion and control groups
  21. empirical strategies) factor analytic strategy-all responses are correlated with one anohter creating..
    clusters of responses that share common variance
  22. Logical content strategy) woodworth personal data sheet- why was it developed for?
    • to identify military recruits likely to develop shell shock
    • *world war I
  23. Logical content strategy) woodworth personal data sheet- what was this test really dependent on?
    responses could be taken at the face vlaue of the item
  24. what are logical content strategy tests mainly used for?
    screening devices
  25. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what type of scales does it have?
  26. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what type of scale analysis is it?
    score-pattern analysis
  27. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what are the raw scores converted to?
    • T-scores
    • *mean of 50 and a SD of 10
  28. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what was this orginally developed for?
    to identify abnormal groups
  29. which is the most used personality test in general clinical practice currently?
    Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory
  30. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what types of groups did they use for criterion groups?
    psychiatric patients at the UNi. of MIn. hopsital
  31. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what was the normative group amde up of?
    families of patients waiting for diag. workups
  32. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- hypochondriacs
    preoccupied with the body and fears of illness
  33. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- hysterics
    • individuals with a strange physical symptom with no apparent cause
    • *most were women
    • ***many had multiple sclerosis
  34. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- psychopathic deviates
    adolescents arrested for misdeameanors
  35. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- paranoids
    people who beleived other were trying to harm them when evidence was absent
  36. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- psychasthenics
    people suffering from serious fatigue as well as guilt, anxiety, weakness, and chronic pessimism
  37. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- hypomaniacs
    individuals showing hyperactivity, euphoria, and or irritability, impulsivity, loss of judgement
  38. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- masculinity-feminity
    developed to identify homosexual men
  39. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- what were they?
    -social introversion






    -psychopathic deviates



  40. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- validity scales- what were the L scale?
    • naive faking good
    • *lie scale
  41. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- what were the F scale?
    unusual content thought to reflect faking bad
  42. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- divided into 8 groups- what were on K items?
    • items that ditinguishes genuinely normal individuals from hospitalized patients with normal MMPI profiles
    • *thought to measure subtle faking good
  43. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what is one criticism of MMPI?
    too many intercorrelations between the scales
  44. criterion group strategy) minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- what does factor analysis studies suggest about the results?
    • it may be accoundted for by 2 general factors negative and positive affectivity
    • *brings the pattern analysis in question
  45. criterion group strategy) California psychological inventory-thrid edition-what was this desigined for>
    normal individuals
  46. criterion group strategy) California psychological inventory-thrid edition- does it have intercorrelations among scales or no?
  47. criterion group strategy) California psychological inventory-thrid edition- for wht setting is this used for?
    counseling settings
  48. factor analytic strategy) What did Cattell call source traits?
    16 dinstinct factors that he felt accounted for all teh variables
  49. factor analytic strategy) what was wrong with Cattells long term test-retest coefficients?
    not impressive
  50. theoretical strategy) how are items chosen for scales?
    based on theoretical concepts that are proposed to underlie certain repsonse tendencies
  51. theoretical strategy) edwards personal rpeference schedule- what was this test based on?
    • murrays system of needs and presses
    • *motivational factors behind behavior
  52. theoretical strategy) personality research form and jackson personality inventory- what was this test based on?
    Murrays system of needs and presses
  53. theoretical strategy) personality research form and jackson personality inventory-  what is the JPI used for?
    use for normal individuals from high school through adults
  54. theoretical strategy) personality research form and jackson personality inventory- what is the PRF designed for?
    use in research
  55. theoretical strategy) millon clinical multiaxial inventory-III- what does this help assess?
    DSM-IV personality disorders and clincial syndromes
  56. theoretical strategy) millon clinical multiaxial inventory-III- what is this test widely used for?
    to measure adult psychopathology
  57. theoretical strategy) millon clinical multiaxial inventory-III- what does it assess the interaction of?
    axis I and axis II disorders based on DSM-IV classification system
  58. theoretical strategy) millon clinical multiaxial inventory-III- what is one way the MCM-III is an anomaly?
    theoretically developed and interpreted scale using empirically derived subscales
  59. combination strategies) NEO -PI-R- what was extraversion?
    sociable and assretive as opposed to withdrawn and reserved
  60. combination strategies) NEO -PI-R- what is neuroticism
    anxious and insecure vs calm and self confident
  61. combination strategies) NEO -PI-R- what was conscientiousness?
    degree to which perservering, responsible, and organized vs lazy, irresponsible, and impulsive
  62. combination strategies) NEO -PI-R-what is agreeableness?
    warm and cooperative vs unpleasent and disagreeable
  63. combination strategies) NEO -PI-R- what is oppenes to experience?
    imaginative and curious vs concrete minded and narrow minded
  64. combination strategies) NEO -PI-R- what do they argue about these five traits?
    they are the main aspects of personality and are genetically based
  65. combination strategies) NEO -PI-R- what is the 6th factor under consideration?
    honesty and humility
Card Set
applications clinical and counseling settings