gum bichromate:
- Introduced in 1894
- Allowed for the altering of tones and details with a brush or pencil
- Chatillon, Gycine (wysteria)
- Eugene Atget
- 1919-21
- Non Traditional Landscape
- Expresses the passage of time
- Compare to:
- Brigman The Lone PineStieglitz An Icy Night
- The Lone Pine (Two Heads)Anne Brigman
- 1908
- featured in Camera Work April 1912
See Also: Dryad, Via Dolorosa
Compare To: - Atget WysteriaStieglitz An Icy Night
- An Icy NightAlfred Stieglitz
- Part of a series that he intended as a portrait of NYC
- Compare to:
- Atget WysteriaBrigman The Lone Pine
- Compare to:
- Kasebier The Red Man Stiechen Solitude Fred Holland Day, Paris Stiechen Portrait of Maurice Maeterlink
- The Red Man Gertrude Kasebier
- 1902
- Platinum and Gum Bichromate
- The only image in this series to be exhibited
- From a series of photographs of the Souix Indians from Buffalo Bills show
- Compare to:
- Atget The Ragpicker Steichen Solitude Fred Holland Day, Paris & Portrait of Maurice Maeterlink
- Solitude - Fred Holland Day, ParisEdward Steichen
- Paris 1901
- image is signed as if it is a painting
- lots of flattened out dark space