Property Crimes
- larceny-theft
- motor vehicle theft
- fraud
unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession of another
Grand Larceny
stolen money or goods of greater value (felony)
Petit Larceny
small amount of money or property (misdemeanor)
a shoplifter who steals and resells the stolen merchandise
a shoplifter who steals for their own consumption
Public Order Crimes
- criminal acts that deviate from society's general ideas of normal social behavior and moral values
- "victimless/consensual crimes"
unlawful entry in order to commit a crime
a person who burglarizes and offers the product for sale
a person who buys the stolen property from a burglar
inflicts or threatens to inflict serious bodily injury upon another while in the course of committing a theft
Violent Crimes
aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, robbery
attempted or threatened offensive touching
Simple Assault
minor bodily harm
Aggravated Assault
- serious bodily harm
- usually with a weapon
offensive touching
penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim
Statutory Rape
forms of sexual penetration committed against a person under the age of consent
Criminal Homicide
unlawful killing of one human being by another (purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently)
Expressive Motivation
emotional states in which the offender strikes out spontaneously
Instrumental Motivation
the offender is driven by will to achieve a predetermined goal
a relationship where one variable causes a change in another
relationships between variables in which they vary together
an explanation of a happening/circumstance of two or more factors that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning
a possible explanation for an observed occurrence that can be tested by further investigation
Scientific Method
- 1) Observation
- 2) Hypothesis
- 3) Test
- 4) Verification
- 5) Theory
- 6) Prediction
social structure, more abstract
Bridging Theory
middle ground between macro and micro theories
individual, least abstract
Unit Theory
focus on one phenomenon, testable
focus on perception of reality, rarely testable
Social Context
the events and beliefs of the times
Intellectual Context
the books, mentors, and influences important to the theories
human behavior is guided by pleasure-seeking and pain avoidance
Social Contract
- individual bound to society only by his/her consent
- people are responsible to each other
- individual surrenders to the state only the limited rights necessary to ensure protection of all citizens
greatest good for the greatest number
Cesare Beccaria
- punishment exceeding what is necessary to protect public is unjust
- don't punish just to punish
Jeremy Bentham
- greatest good for the greatest number (economic model)
- let the punishment fit the crime (proportionality)
Hedonistic Calculus
- Jeremy Bentham
- pleasure/pain principle - criminals calculate their gain and behave accordingly
Deterrence Theory
- assumes individuals will act in their own interest unless restrained - deterrence is that restraint
- Elements: celerity (speed of punishment), certainty (likelihood of being caught), severity (degree of punishment)
August Comte
- founder of positivist philosophy and sociology
- developed a scientific method of study
Cesare Lombroso
- father of positivist criminology
- 3 Pre-Darwinian Theories (craniometry, phrenology, physiognomy)
- atavism
- stigmata
- determinism
- Cesare Lombroso
- humans devolved rather than evolved
Lombroso's Stigmata
- atavistic physical stigmata
- asymmetrical face, large monkey-like ears, large lips,…
- Cesare Lombroso
- human behavior is determined by factors beyond free will and free choice
H. H. Goddard
- authority on use/interpretation on IQ (innate)
- labeled low IQ - feeblemindedness
- morons --> imbeciles --> idiots
- morons are the biggest threat because they are the closest to normal
- H. H. Goddard
- improving genetic quality in humans
- Body Type Theory - associating body types with human temperament types
- endomorphs - jolly, lazy (thick)
- mesomorphs - risk takers, aggressive (muscular, fit)
- ectomorph - nervous, introverted (thin)
medial physical assessment
Symbolic Interaction
we all interact with symbols
Ecological Theory
- derived from organic approach to city
- mapping of social problems
Concentric Zones
- concept is developed from ecological theory
- zone 1 - central business district
- zone 2 - zone of transition
- zone 3 - workingmen's houses
- zone 4 - better residences
- zone 5 - commuter's residences
Cultural Transmission Theory
- Shaw & McKay
- juvenile in socially disorganized areas have greater exposure to and opportunity for delinquency and crime
Culture Conflict
- Primary: individual from one culture moves into another culture
- Secondary: subculture within dominant culture
Social Disorganization
- neighborhood ecological characteristics
- allows crime and delinquency
Media and Crime (Images)
- 1) A mistaken image of the amount of crime
- 2) Created an image that crime rates have increased consistently
- 3) Distorts the incidence of nonviolent crimes
Media and Crime (Framing)
- 1) Episodically - isolated stories
- 2) Thematically - focuses on themes in terms of causes and remedies (i.e. poverty, drugs, identity theft)
- 3) Failure of the criminal justice system
Media and Crime (Understanding Crime)
- 1) News Value - violations of norms, good vs. evil, victims should be vulnerable and blameless
- 2) Organizational Needs - mass media are for-profit enterprises
- 3) Reliance on Official Sources - authoritative figures
Typology Approach of Crime
- Understand how criminologists categorize criminals and criminal events
- Definitional Parameters - not bound by law
- Crime Types - violent, property, sexual, white collar, and public order
- Crime Rates determined by taking the number of crimes committed and dividing by the population at risk
- Violent Crimes - aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, robbery
- Property Crime - arson, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft
Aspects of a Criminal Event
- every criminal event consists of an offender, a victim (a target), and a setting
- 4 Principles - Behavioral, Cognitive, Cultural, Societal
Behavioral Aspects
- actus reus and mens reas
- skills and techniques used by offenders
- patterned criminal transactions
Cognitive Aspects
- thoughts and cognition that underlie behavior
- motivation and planning
- normative neutralization
Cultural Aspects
- criminal subculture
- loners and peers
- socialization script
Societal Reaction
- Formal Reaction - institutional responses
- Informal Reaction - reaction from audiences