Chapter 7: Language Impairments in Toddlers and Preschoolers

  1. risk factors for developing language impairment
    • genetic syndromes
    • congenital malformations (cleft, spina bifida)
    • sensory disorders (vi, hi)
    • atypical developmental disorders (autism)
    • neurological disorders (cerebral palsy)
    • chronic illness (diabetes, cysitc fibrosis)
    • metabolic disorders (tay-sacs)
    • severe toxic exposure
    • severe infectious diseases (meningitis, hiv etc)
  2. severe toxic exposure
    • fetal alcohol syndrome, lead poisoning
    •   -FAS: a pattern of altered tissue and organ development involving cardiovascular problems, craniofacial abnormalities such as cleft palate and limb defects with prenatal growth deficiency and developmental delay
    •   -one of the leading causes of birth defects
    •   -usually born small (below 10th percentile) and remain small
  3. where is FAS prevalent
    • native american
    • low ses
    • teen pregnancy
  4. linguistic characteristics of young children with lang impairments
    • as with SLI, they have difficulty with grammatical skills 
    • shorter sentences, more single word utterances
    • morphology issues (markers may be absent or late)
    • impaired pragmatics
    •    -difficulty with narratives (for preschool, poor narrative is a predictor for difficulty with reading later)
    •    -lack of attention and focus
  5. rossetti's infant toddler language scale
    • ages and stages questionnaires
    • carolina curriculum for infants and toddlers with special needs
    •  receptive expressive emergent language test (REEL)
    • Intervention for toddlers and preschoolers with language impairment
    • whole team approach
  6. Information needed to develop appropriate language intervention plans for young children
    • background info:
    •   -is the intervention appropriate for the child's cultural and linguistic background
    •   -have caregivers expressed interest
    •   -do they have the resources to particpate
    •   -do caregivers believe it important for the child to communicate independently
    •   -how much time should caregiver devote to therapy
    • child factors:
    •   -is child willing to separate from caregiver for therapy
    •   -how long does child focus on activity
    •   -does he show frustration
    •   -child cooperative
    •   -any accompanying behavior problems
    •   -show awareness of language disorder
  7. naturalistic communication intervention:
    the types
    • incidental teaching
    • social routine and daily activities
    • turn taking
  8. naturalistic communication intervention:
    incidental teaching
    • using teachable moments
    •   -infant reaches for their bottle and you may say, yes, that's mimi's milk.
  9. naturalistic communication intervention:
    social routine and daily activities
    • family routines like peek-a-boo, games (this little piggy), mealtime, bath time
    • this provides scaffolding
  10. naturalistic communication intervention:
    turn taking
    • concept of balanced turns between adult and child
    • usually during play or games
    • turn-taking in conversation (shake stick)
  11. a person who acts as a go between for CLD families and mainstream professionals is called a __________.
    cultural mediator
  12. rescorla's ___________ is an inexpensive simple screening tool for identifying language delay in toddlers
    language development survey
  13. in ______, the slp herself conducts therapy with the child
    direct intervention
  14. the term ______ refers to the ability to consciously reflect upon and manipulate the sound component of language
    phonological awareness
  15. the law that specifies that preschool programs must be a part of the full spectum of ed offered by public schools is ___________.q
    public law 99-457
  16. test that evaluates tasks and parameters that have predictive value in terms of children's communication development.  includes evaluating social affective profiling communicative, social and symbolic activites etc CHECK BOOK FOR FULL
    test of language development: preschool
  17. Parents most comfortable speaking spanish to child at home, but child attends all english preschool. you encourage parents to speak to child in english at home and are willing to do so. you model for them the technique of _________, which requires them to carefully observe son and identify teachable moments
    incidental teaching
  18. you observe conscientious preschool teacher with a number of li children in her class. use of storybooks, comments about print, use vocab elaboration strategies, and has a number of books and other literacy artifacts in her classroom. what best describes skills teacher is promoting
    emergent literacy skills
  19. ehua is from china and slp inherits her on preschool caseload. she and her parents moved to city from a city that diagnosed her as Li. what suggestion would you probably not give her parents because it would be culturally incongruent for them?
    use a great deal of play activities in the home to promote lang skills
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Chapter 7: Language Impairments in Toddlers and Preschoolers