Psychology 1 test

  1. define a placebo
    a medicine that has no active ingredients and works by the power of suggestion
  2. define mode
    frequently occured
  3. define control group
    subjects who receive the placebo consists of people who do not receive the independent variable
  4. define experimental group
    consists of people who do receive the independent variable
  5. define double blind study
    a study during which neither participants nor researchers know which group any subject belongs to
  6. define dependent variable
    factor in a study that changes or varies as a result of changes in the independent variable
  7. define independent variable
    factor that the experimenter manipulates or changes in a study
  8. laboratory study 
    Advantage and a disadvantage
    Advantage: researcher can be completely unbiased. Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions This method usually provides accurate information 

    Disadvantge: setting is somewhat artificial, may not reflect the real world
  9. field study 
    Advantage and Disadvantage
    Advantage: setting is more realistic than in a laboratory 

    Disadvantage: it is often difficult to control all variables
  10. survey method 
    Advantage and Disadvantage
    Advantage: researcher can gather information on feelings, opinions, and behavior patterns . The results can be amazingly accurate 

    • Disadvantage: survey's sample may not be representative of population as a whole
    • Questions used may not be phrased objectively 
    • Interpretation of results may be distorted(misleading or false)
  11. naturalistic observation 
    Advantage and Disadvantage
    Advantage: behavior studied is completely natural 

    Disadvantage: researcher cannot interact with subjects and may interpret subjects' responses incorrectly
  12. define interview 
    Advantage and Disadvantage
    Adv: researcher can obtain personal, detailed information 

    • Dis: subjects réponses may not be completely honest
    • Researchers biases can influence behavior
  13. case study method
    Adv: method provides background information that may shed light on present behavior 

    • Dis: subjects' responses may not be completely honest 
    • Researcher's biases can influence behavior
  14. Psychological Test
    Adv: test provides accurate, objective information- there is little chance of distorting results (misleading or false results)

    Dis: test are limited in the amount of information they can obtain
  15. Longitudinal Method 
    adv: method provides information needed for certain kinds of research, such as studies on development 

    Dis: method is expensive and time consuming
  16. Cross- sectional Method
    • Adv: samples used are usually representative or population as a whole
    • Method is less expensive and less time consuming than longitudinal
    • Cross sectional examines many subjects or a variety of people at one point in time.

    Dis: Method is not appropriate for some types of research, such as studies on developmental changes over time
  17. define psychology
    study on mental processes and behavior
  18. nature vs. nurture
    nature it is the enviroment and the people in it (such as where we live, rich or poor, or the schools we go to) make us who we are

    nurture is our genetics and how we are raised by our guardians that make us who we are.
  19. what is a theory
    a general framework for scientific study ; smaller aspects can be tested
  20. define research psychologist
    who study the origin, cause, or results of certain behaviors
  21. define applied pschologist
    make direct use of the findings of research psychologists; they deal directly with clients
  22. why were Darwin's theories important to psychologists
    inspired scientists to study animals in an attempt to understand humans better
  23. who was wilhelm wundt
    • father of psychology
    • started the 1st laboratory to studying psychology
  24. explain sigmund freud's theory of personality
    interest were how personality develops, what can go wrong, and how to fix it. His theory is based on effects of unconscious conflicts within the individual
  25. what was william james most interested in
    how humans function and within the individual adapt to the environment
  26. what special approach is associated with john watson 
    • behavioral approach
    • eX: some people growing up doing bad thing because of the environment and people they were influenced by or were around
  27. what is eclecticism
    process of making your own system by borrowing from two or more other systems
  28. 6 theories of psychology
    • 1. Biopsychology 
    • 2. behavioral
    • 3. psychoanalysis
    • 4. Humanism 
    • 5. Cognitive 
    • 6. Sociocultural Psychology
  29. define biopsychology
    behavior viewed in terms of biological responses
  30. define behaviorism
    viewed as a product of learned responses
  31. define psychoanalysis
    viewed as a reflection of unconscious aggressive and sexual impulses
  32. define humanism
    viewed as a reflection of internal growth
  33. define cognitive psychology
    viewed as a product of various internal sentences, or thoughts
  34. define sociocultural psychology
    viewed as strongly influenced by the expectations of social groups or cultures
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Psychology 1 test