Name 5 Gram + Cocci
- Staphylcoccus
- Streptococcus
- Enterococcus
- Peptostreptococcus
NameĀ 4 Gram + Rods
- Clostridium
- Actinomyces
- Bacillus
- Diptheroids
Name 10 Gram - Rods
- E. Coli
- Proteus
- Klebsiella
- Serratia
- Enterobacter
- Salmonella
- Yersenia
- Pseudomonas
- Bacteroides
- Strenotrophomonas
Name 1 Gram + coccobacilli
Listeria (more rod like)
Name 3 Gram - cocco bacillus
- Haemophilus
- Legionella
- Bordetella
Name 4 anaerobic bugs
- Clostridium
- Bacteroides
- Peptostreptococcus
- Actinomyces
Name 4 atypical bugs
- Mycoplasma
- Chlamydia
- Ricketsia
- Legionella
If you think osteomyelitis what bugs come to mind?
S. Aureus and Group A Strep
If you think septic arthritis what bugs come to mind?
- S. aureus
- N. gonorrhea
- Streptococci
If you hear "gram + cocci in clusters" you think...
staphylococcus spp.
If you hear "gram + cocci in pairs and chains" you think...
- Streptococcus spp
- Enterococcus spp
If you hear "gram + diplococci" you think...
streptococcus pneumonia
If you hear "gram - coccobacilli" you think...
H. flu
If you hear "lactose fermenting gram - rods" you think...
- E. coli
- Klebsiella
- Enterobacter
Normal Flora of skin includes
- Staphylococcus spp
- Streptococcus spp
Normal Flora of the GI tract includes
- Enterobacteriaceae
- Enterococcus
- Anaerobes
- Staphylococcus
- Yeast
- Pseudomonas spp
Normal Flora of the Respiratory tract
- Staphyloccus spp
- Streptococcus spp
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Yeast
Normal Flora of the urine
Normal Flora of the blood
Gram + cocci are most likely to infect where?
skin, soft tissue, heart, lung, bone joints, hardware, indwelling lines
Gram - rods are most likely to infect where?
lung (HCAP, HAP, VAP) any intraabdominal organ, GU system
Anaerobes are most likely to infect where?
Lung (abscess), oral cavity, any intraabdominal organ
Atypicals are most likely to infect where?
Lungs (CAP)
name the bugs for meningitis
<1 mo. (3)
1 mo. to 50 yrs. (2)
> 50 y.o. (3)
- <1 mo. Groub B strep, GNR, Listeria
- 1 mo. to 50 yrs. S. pneumo, N. meningitidis
- > 50 y.o. S. pneumo, Listeria, GNR
name the bugs for lungs
Pneumonia: <1 mo. (5)
CAP: > 1 mo. (5)
HCAP: (5)
VAP/HAP: (3)
Aspirataion PNA/Lung Abscess (4)
- Pneumonia: <1 mo. GBS, Listeria, Enteric GNR, S. auerus
- CAP: > 1 mo. S. pneumon, H. flu, M. cat, mycoplasma, legionella
- HCAP: CAP + S. aureus, enteric GNR, pseudomonas
- VAP/HAP: HCAP + stenotrophonas, acinobacter
- Aspirataion PNA/Lung Abscess: anaerobes, glebsiella, S. auerus, streptococci
name the bugs that can infect a DM's foot
superficial; s. aureus, beta hemolytic strep, s. Epi
deep; everything
Name the bugs that can infect ENT
otitis media (3)
otitis externa (3)
OM s. pneumo, h flu, m cat
OE pseudomonas, s. epi, s aureus
Name the bugs that can infect the heart
GPC, viridans, Strep, S. aureus, enterococcus, s. epi, streb bovis
name the bugs that can infect the GI tract
Bacterial gastroenteritis, e. coli, shigella, campylobacter, salmonella, enteric GNR, pseudomonas, anaerobes, enterococcus, inf. colitis/C. diff
name the bugs that can infect the GU system
UTI/Pyelo: (5)
PID/Prostatitis: (3)
- UTI/Pyelo: E. Coli, proteus, Klebsiella, Enterococcus, S. saprophyticus,
- PID/Prostatitis: N. gonorrhoeae, Chamydia, Enteric GNR
Gram + --> clusters --> ____ -->coagulase test
Gram + --> coccobacilli --> ____
Gram + --> pairs/chains --> _____ -->hemolysis test and lacefield serotyping
anaerobic--> ____(several)
- clostriduium
- bacteroides
- peptostreptococcus
- actinomyces
atypicals --> ____(several)
- mycoplasma
- chlaydia
- rickettsia
- legionella
Gram - --> cocci --> ____
gram - --> rod --> lactose fermenting --> ______
e. coli, klebsiella, enterobactor
gram - --> rod -->lactose non fermenting --> ______
pseudomonas, proteus, stenotrophomonas
Gram - --> rod --> lactose slow fermenting --> ____
serratia, citrobacter
Gram - --> coccobacilli --> ____
Gram +
Staph (not mrsa) ---> Tx ____
strep --> Tx ____
Enteroccus/listeria --> Tx ___
*vanc is best alt. w/ pts who have a penicillin allergy.
- nafcillin
- pen G or ceftriaxone
- ampicillin
Drugs for CA-MRSA _____
TMP-SMX, Clindamycin, Doxyclycline, Linezolid, Rifampin
(Gram -)
drugs for E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus
- 2nd generation Cephalosporins
- 3rd generation cephalosporins
- 4th generation cephalosporins
- Augmentin
- Zosyn
- Carbapenems
- Aztreonam
- Quinolones
- Aminoglycosides
(Gram -)
drugs for enterobacter, serratia, citrobacter
- 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporin
- zosyn
- carbapenems
- aztreonam
- quinolones
- aminoglycosides
gram -
drugs for H influenzae
- 2, 3, 4th generation cephalosporin
- augmentin
- zosyn
- carbapenems
- aztresonam
- quinolones
- aminoglycosides
(gram -)
drugs for neisseria
- 2, 3, 4th generation ephalosporin
- augmentin
- zosyn
- carbapenems
- aztresonam
- quinolones
Gram +
drugs for MSSA
- Augmentin
- naficillin
- cephalosporins
- carbapenems
- quinolones
- clindamycin
Gram +
drugs for Coag-Staph
- naficillin
- zosyn
- carbapenems
- quinolones
Gram +
drugs for Strep group A+B
- natural PCN (PCN G)
- amino PCN (ampicillin Amoxicillin)
- Augmentin Unasym
- zosyn
- cephalosporin
- carbapenems
- quiolones
- macrolides
- tetracyclines
- Clindamycin
Gram +
Drugs for Strep pneumoniae
- Amino PCN
- Augmentin Unasym
- Nafcillin di