Color List 2

  1. cones
    special cells in the retina at the back of the eye that enable us to distinguish hues in daylight
  2. retina
    the inner surface of the back of the eye, where rods and cones respond to qualities of light
  3. rods
    light-sensitive cells in the eye that operate in dim light to distinguish values
  4. binder
    any type of gum, paste, glue, or cement that promotes cohesion of pigment particles in a continuous layer, so that the layer will be strong and durable enough to withstand the service required of it
  5. pigment
    the chemical agent which imparts color to most paints and inks; coloring powder dispersed and suspened in its vehicle in which it is relatively insoluble
  6. vehicle
    medium or tempera. the inert liquid in which pigment is carried insolubly (as in most paints and inks), or in which a dyestuff is soluble
  7. color constancy
    the psychological tendency to see colors as we think they are rather than as we actually perceive them. often we automatically compensate for changes in lighting
  8. local value
    the value of the object itself, excluding any effects of light
  9. local color
    refers to the natural hue of an object unmodified by adding light, shadow or any other distortion
  10. transparent
    permitting the transmission of light without noticeable scattering of light waves, so that an object can be seen through it clearly, as, for example, clear glass. additionally, transparency is a photographic film positive which is viewed by transmitted light.
  11. translucent
    partially transparent. permitting the transmission of light but with some scattering of light waves, so that an object can be seen through it but not clearly, as, for example, etched or frosted glass
  12. divisionism
    also known as pointillism. the juxtaposition of tiny dots of unmixed paints, giving an overall effect of color when mixed optically by the viewer's eye from a certain distance; usually associated with the post-impressionists of the 19th century
  13. after-image
    the illusion of color and shape produced in the visual apparatus after staring a a strong color for some time. a positive after-image is the same color as the original; a negative after image is its complementary color
Card Set
Color List 2
Color List 2