anatomy exam muscles

  1. what are the 3 types of muscles?
    • skeletal
    • cardiac
    • smooth
  2. characteristics of each muscle type
    • smooth - nonstriated & involuntary
    • cardiac - striated & involuntary
    • skeletal - striated & voluntary
  3. what are A Bands?
    The Dark bands in thick and thin filaments, that contain the entire myosin molecule and overlapping portion of the actin
  4. what is I Band
    the light band (in the organization of thick and thin filaments), contains thin filament but not thick filament
  5. neuromuscular junction
    • the region where the motor neuron comes into close proximity to the muscle fiber
    • junction is between the muscle and the nerve
  6. what is a motor unit?
    • 1 nerve hooked up to many fibers
    • consists of a single motor neuron and the muscle fibers it controls
    • controls only a few fibers in entire muscle
    • a fiber contracts completely or not at all
    • when muscle is stimulated all of the fibers under its control will contract
  7. Muscle Atrophy
    • A wasting of tissue
    • reduction of muscle size
    • caused by lack of stimulation (exercise)
  8. muscle hypertrophy
    • increase in muscle size
    • (not an increase in muscles fibers)
    • results from repetitive stimulation
    • myofibrils and myofilaments increase in number which makes muscle increase in size
  9. when do muscle contractions begin?
    when a motor neuron impulse stimulates a muscle fiber
  10. what is in the middle of an I Band and what makes it special
    • the Z Disc
    • protein structure
    • serves for the attachment site for one end of the thin filament
  11. what is a sarcomere?
    • functional contractile unit in skeletal muscle fiber
    • the area between 2 adjacent Z Discs
  12. two main structure that are unique to muscle fiber
    • Transverse tubules (T-Tubules)
    • Terminal cisternae
  13. what attaches muscle to bone
  14. the point of attachment that does not move is called
  15. the point of attachment that moves is called
  16. each muscle is comprised of
    muscle fibers
  17. muscles fibers are organized into bundles called
  18. muscle fibers contain
  19. myofibrils are composed of ..
  20. myofilaments are mainly composed of
    actin and myosin
  21. the order of skeletal muscle structural organization is
    • Muscle
    • Fascicles
    • Muscle Fiber
    • Myofibrils
    • Myofilaments
    • Actin and Myosin
  22. muscle if mostly
  23. skeletal muscles have _____ nucleus.
    more than 1, they start as many cells that merge together
  24. functions of skeletal muscle
    • movement
    • maintenance of posture
    • temperature regulation
    • storage and movement of materials (close an opening/gatekeeper)
    • Support
  25. what are the properties of a muscle?
    • Extensibility
    • Elasticity
    • Contractibility
    • Excitability
  26. how many skeletal muscles
    over 700
  27. muscles always _____
    • pull
    • contract = shorten
  28. what is a tendon?
    • at the end of each muscle all of the connective tissue merge to form tendon
    • it is cord like and attaches muscle to bone
  29. thick filaments
    • 11nm in diameter
    • composed of bundled molecules of myosin
  30. thin filaments
    • actin
    • troponin
    • tropomyosin
  31. what causes the skeletal muscle to be striated?
    the organization of thick and thin filaments
  32. Agonist
    • Prime mover
    • produces a specific movement when it contracts
  33. antagonist
    a muscle whose action opposes that of the agonist
  34. where are smooth muscles found
    walls of the viscera and blood vessels
  35. Synergist
    a muscle that assists the agonist or prime mover
  36. what shape is the smooth muscle cells
    • fusiform
    • widest in the middle tapered on each end
  37. the smooth muscle has ____ nucleus
  38. how many nucluei does cardiac muscles have
    1 or 2
  39. what shape does the cardiac muscle fibers make
    y shaped branches
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anatomy exam muscles
anatomy exam muscles Chapter 10