1. Patients with lesions in this hemisphere are slow, cautious, hesitant, and insecure with contralateral hemiplegia. Aphasia
    Left hemisphere lesion
  2. Patients with this side lesion are impulsive, quick, indifferent, have poor judgement and safety awareness. Overestimate abilities and underestate their problems. Perceptual deficits
    Right hemisphere lesion
  3. What are the stages of CVA recovery?
    • Flaccidity
    • Spasticity, synergies
    • Voluntary movements in synergy
    • Voluntary control w/ decreased spasticity and synergies
    • Increasing voluntary control out of synergy
    • Control and coord near normal
  4. Most affected artery with CVA's?
    • MCA: middle cerebral artery
    • ACA: anterior cerebral artery
  5. Left hemi treatment for learning
    • Develope appropriate communication base
    • Frequent feedback and support
  6. Right hemi treatment for learning
    • Verbal cues
    • Frequent feedback to slow down
    • Focus on SAFETY
    • Avoid clutter
  7. Which artery is affected?:
    Contralat hemiplegia mostly of UE's
    Homonymous hemianopsia
    Infart in left hemi= aphasia & apraxia
    MCA: middle cerebral artery
  8. Which arterywas affected?:
    Contralat hemiplegia mostly of LE's
    Contralat neglect
    Aphasia & mental confusion
    ACA: anterior cerebral artery
  9. Which artery was affected?:
    Peristent pain
    Homonymous hemianopsia
    PCA: posterior cerebral artery
  10. Which artery was affected?:
    Often result is death
    Locked in state
    Vertebral-basilar artery
  11. Contralat loss of pain and temp
    • Anterior/ inferior cerebellar ateries
    • Superior cerebellar artery
  12. Word repetition and Manuel cues should be used with which type of aphasia?
    Receptive / wernicke's
  13. Simple yes and no questions should be used with which type of aphasia?
    Expressive / broca's
  14. Symbolic gestures should be used with which type of aphasia?
  15. CVA gait deviations:

    1. weak hip ext/flex contracture a) knee hyperextension
    2. weak abd on contralateral side b) equinus gait
    3. flex contracture/weak extensors c) FWD trunk
    4. PF contracture/spastic quads/weak extensors d) trendelenburg
    5. gastroc soleus contracture e) excess knee flex
  16. 1. c)
    • 2. d)
    • 3. e)
    • 4. a)
    • 5. b)
  17. What synergy?

    elbow flex
    shld abd
    scap elev and retraction
    forearm supination
    wrist and finger flex
    flexion synergy
  18. What synergy?

    elbow ext
    shld add
    scap depression and protraction
    forearm pronation
    wrist and finger flexion
    extension synergy
Card Set
CVA vocab