How is the location of volcanoes related to plate tectonics? (In general, where do we expect to find volcanoes?)
Divergent Plate Boundaries
- Convergent Plate
- Boundaries (o/c, o/o)
Hot Spots
Give specific examples of volcanoes at each tectonic setting.
O/C Convergent Boundaries: Mt. St. Helens
Hot Spots: Mauna Loa
Shield Volcanoes
- Massive
- Broad, gentle sloping shape
Fluid basaltic lava
- Made of layers of basalt
- Very little pyroclastics or pyroclastic flow
E.g. Mauna Loa, Kilauea, Iceland
Tectonic Setting: Hot Spots
Composite Cones
Large, conical shape
Interbedded lavas and pyroclastics
Silica rich magma (doesn’t flow far), often of andesitic composition
Violent eruptions
Tectonic Setting: O/C Convergent Boundaries
E.g. Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier
Cinder Cones
Generally a single event (thus small size)
Steep slope angle (30-40 degrees)
Built from pyroclastics (ejected lava fragments)
Occasionally may eject lava, usually from base
Gas-rich basaltic magma
Tectonic Setting: Anywhere there is a pocket, or chamber, of basaltic magma
Sunset Crater
Discuss why some volcanoes are explosive and some have relatively mild eruptions. Give specific examples.
- Volcanoes that have explosive eruptions contain more viscous magma. High pressure caused by the viscosity of the magma cause it to burst out explosively. Volcanoes with
- mild eruptions contain magma that is more fluid, thus it has less pressure.
Mt. St. Helens: Explosive
Mauna Loa: Mild
Discuss viscosity, silica content, volatiles, and
temperature as each relates to magma composition.
Increase Silica, more viscous
Identify and briefly describe the hazards associated with explosive volcanic eruptions.
Lava Flows
- Pyroclastics – Fragments
- of rock in the air from a volcanic eruption
Hot Gases
Pyroclastic Flows – Mix of ash and hot gases flowing down the volcano
Lahars – Volcanic mudflows, ash mixed with water
List the various materials that erupt from volcanoes.
Volcanic Neck – forms when magma hardens within a vent. Shiprock
Calderas – Collapsed magma chamber (e.g. magma chamber) Crater Lake
Lava Domes – Old composite cone volcanoes. Mt. St. Helens
Basalt Plateaus – Form from successive flows of lava. Cascade Mountains
List and briefly describe benefits of volcanoes.
Rich agricultural soil: rich soil in Idaho (potatoes)
Mineral resources: from igneous rocks
- Geothermal resources: heat and
- electricity: Iceland
water and atmosphere
rock resources (e.g. pumice)
List the various types of plutonic igneous bodies (including whether each is massive or tabular and concordant or discordant).
Batholith – massive, discordant: irregular mass of intrusive igneous rock
Laccolith – massive, concordant
Dike – tabular, discordant: A sheetlike discordant igneous intrusion that cuts across layers of bedded country rock.
Sill – tabular, concordant: sheetlike body formed by the injection of magma between parallel layers of preexisting bedded rock.
Discuss the origin, composition, and location of
batholiths and give a California example.
- Batholiths form when magma pushes aside the surrounding rock and solidifies before it rises to
- the surface.
They are felsic.
Sierra Nevada
What is the ophiolite complex?
The structure of the ocean crust