GRE Math Vocab

  1. Integer
    • An integer is a whole number.
    • -1, 0, and 1 are integers.
    • 1/4 is not an integer.
  2. Even vs. Odd
    • An even number is any integer that can be divided evenly by 2.
    • An odd number is any integer that can't.
  3. even + even = even or odd?
    even + even = even
  4. odd + odd = even or odd?
    odd + odd = even
  5. even + odd = even or odd?
    even + odd = odd
  6. even x even = even or odd?
    even x even = even
  7. odd x odd = even or odd?
    odd x odd = odd
  8. even x odd = even or odd?
    even x odd = even
  9. Factors
    • A factor of another number can divide that number without leaving a remainder.
    • 1,2,3,4, and 6 are all factors of 12.
  10. Multiples
    • A multiple of a number is that number multiplied by an integer.
    • -20, 10, and 700 are all multiples of 10.
  11. Quotient
    • The result of division.
    • For 12 / 3, the quotient is 4.
  12. Divisor
    • The number to divide by.
    • For 12 / 3, the divisor is 3.
  13. The order of operations is described by what acronym?
    • PEMDAS, or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.
    • Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (left to right), Addition and Subtraction (left to right)
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GRE Math Vocab
Basic math vocabulary for the GRE