test 1

  1. What is acetylcholine?
    A neurotransmitter that plays a role in learning new information, causes the skeletal muscle fibers to contract, and keeps the heart from beating too rapidly.
  2. What is actio potential?
    The sudden reveral of the resting potential, which initiates the firing of a neuron.
  3. What is an axon?
    The slender tail-like extension of the neuron that transmits signals to the dendrites or cell bodyof other neurons and to muscles, glands and other parts of the body.
  4. What is a brainstem?
    The structure that begins at the point where the spinal cord enlarges as it enters the brain and handles functions critical to physical survival. It includes the medulla, the pons and the reticular formation.
  5. What is a cell body?
    The part of the neuron that contains the nucleus and carries out the metabolic functions of the neuron.
  6. What are dendrites?
    In a neuron, the branchlike extensions of the cell body that receive signals from the other neurons.
  7. What are dopamine?
    A neurotransmitter that plays a role in learning, attention, movement and reinforcement.
  8. What are endorphins?
    Chemicals produced naturally by the brain that reduce pain and the stress of vigorous exercise and positively affect mood.
  9. What is epinephrine?
    A neurotransmitter that affects the metabolism of glucose and nutrient energy stored in muscles to be released during strenuous exercise
  10. What is GABA?
    Primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.
  11. What is laterlization?
    The specialization of one of the cerebral hemispheres to handle a particular function.
  12. What does the Left Hemisphereof the brain do?
    Controls right side of the body, coordinates complex movements, and, in most people, handles most of the language functions.
  13. What is a neuron?
    Specialized cell that conducts impulses through the nervous system and contains, a cell body, dendrites and axon.
  14. What are neurotransmitters?
    A chemical substance that is released into the synaptic cleft from the axon terminal of the sending neuron, crosses a synapse and binds to appropriate receptor sites on the dendrites or cell body of a receiving neuron, influencing the cell either to fire or not.
  15. Norepinephrine?
    A neurotransmitter affecting, eating, alertness and sleep.
  16. What is plasticity?
    The capacity of the brain to adapt to changes such as brain damage.
  17. What is resting potential?
    The slight negative electrical potential of the axon membrane of a neuron at rest, about -70 millivolts.
  18. What process is reuptake?
    The process by which neurotransmitters are taken from the synaptic cleft back into the axon terminal for later use, thus terminating their excitatory or inhibitory effect on the receiving neuron.
  19. What does the right hemisphere do?
    Controls the left side of the body and, in more people, is specialized for visual-spatial perception.
  20. What does seratonin affect?
    Mood, sleep, appetite, impulsivity and aggression.
  21. What is the synapse?
    The junction where the axon terminal of a sending neuron communicates with a receiving neuron across the synaptic cleft.
  22. What is psychology?
    The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
  23. What are the major perspectives in psych? 4 main ones
    • Behavior - Role of enviornment in shaping and controlling behavior 'learned'
    • Psychoanalytic - 'unconscious mind' and early childhood experiences in determining behavior and thought. (happens in dreams) fears, wishes, desires
    • Cognitive - mental process perception, thinking, and memory that underlie behavior. How you percieve a problem or situation
    • Biological - biological processes and structures as well as heredityin explaning behavior. imbalance of chemicals in the brain. fix= medication, drugs
  24. What is an eclectic position?
    To use different approaches and theories depending on the PT.
Card Set
test 1