Unit 1 Social Studies

  1. An area in which many features are similar.
  2. Includes United States, Mexico, and Canada.
    North America
  3. The peaks of the __________ have been worn down by erosion.
    Appalachian Mountains
  4. Covers most of the United States.
  5. In  general, the climate in the western United States is ________ than that in the eastern part of the country.
  6. Many scientists think there was once a ________ that linked North America.
    land bridge
  7. Is an extra amount.
  8. What can you tell about the Native Americans who build Longhouses?
    They must have lived in a region where there were many forests, because they needed a lot of wood to build longhouses.
  9. Is the way people use their resources to meet their needs.
  10. Which of these statements best describes a region? 

  11. What landform in the United States covers most of the area along the Atlantic Ocean?

  12. What part of the United States is made up of the interior plains? 

  13. What two major language groups lived in the Eastern Woodlands region? 

  14. What kind of shelter built from adobe bricks was common in the Southwest region?

  15. Why is the climate near the equator usually warmer?

  16. In which landform region did the Native americans depend most on for buffalo. 

  17. What is one way in which the Arctic and Great Plains peoples were alike?

  18. Native American groups in dry climates generally used very little ______.
  19. All Native Americans depended on ______ _______ to survive.
    natural recources
  20. What do you know about Native Americans who built and lived in tepees?
    They must have been hunters, since they used skins of animals to build shelters.
  21. What kind of climate did the Native Americans who built igloos live in?
    In a very cold climate; there must have been a lot of ice and snow in their region for them to decide to use those materials to build their shelters
  22. What kind of shelter did people of the Northwest Coast build that was similar to the shelters of the Eastern Woodlands people?

  23. Matching:
    _______Inuit                   A. igloo
    _______Iroquois               B. Cahokia
    _______Ancient Puebloan  C. Mexico
    _______Olmec                  D. adobe
    _______Mound Builders     E. League
    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
    • E.
  24. How do you think their region's climate and geography affected the people of Cahokia?
    Many rivers and lakes may have provided the people fresh drinking water abd fish.. Good soil and hot summers may have helped crops to grow. However, the cold winters would have made it necessary to build shelters and to make warm clothing.
  25. What effect do you think trade networks had on groups of Native Americans?
    They were able to obtain a variaty of goods that they could not make or find themselves. These networks allowed them to get goods from far away.
  26. In what ways did farming lead to the development of larger, more settled communities?
    People had to stay in one place for longer periods of time to grow their crops. A steadier supply of food allowed larger groups to live together in the same place.
  27. In which cultural regions were whales an important resource for Native Americans?
    Arctic and the Northwest Coast.
  28. In which cultural region did Native Americans use adobe as a resource to build their homes?
  29. In what ways were most Native Americans religion similar?
    They involved the worship of many gods and spirits of nature. They include origin stories and ceremonies.
  30. What is one activity that affected the kinds of goods that were available to Native American groups?
    Trade helped goods and ideas move frome village to village, sometimes over long distances.
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Unit 1 Social Studies
Unit 1 vocabulary and test answers