CRIM 1170

  1. Noncarceral
    That portion of systems of corrections relating to offenders in noninstitutional settings
  2. Carceral
    That portion of systems of corrections relating to confinement in correctional institutions
  3. Corrections
    The structures, policies, and programs to punish, treat, and supervise persons convicted of criminal offences
  4. Duty to Act Fairly
    The obligation of corrections to ensure that offenders are treated fairly by corrections personnel
  5. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    The primary law of the land, which guarantees basic rights and freedoms for citizens, including convicted offenders
  6. Constitution Act(1867)
    Legistlation that includes provisions that define the responsibilities of the federal and provincial governments with respects to criminal justice
  7. Criminal Code
    Federal legistlation that sets out the criminal laws of Canada and the procedures for administering justice
  8. Corrects and Conditional Release Act (CCRA)
    The primary legistlation under which the federal system of corrections operates
  9. Two-Year Rule
    The basis for the division for responsibility for convicted offenders between the federal and provincial/territorial governments
  10. Evidence-based Practice
    Policies, strategies, and programs that have been shown by evaluation research to be eefective in achieving specified objectives
  11. Risk Principle
    Correctional interventions are most effective when matched with the offender's level of risk, and higher risk offenders benefit from interventions more than medium and low risk offenders
  12. Need principle
    To be effective, correctional interventions must address the criminogenic needs of offenders
  13. Responsivity Principle
    Correctional interventions should be matched to the learning styles of individual offenders
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CRIM 1170
Contemporary Canadian Corrections