Bio 10 Lab Exam 1

  1. What is the basic structural and function unit of life
  2. member of the same Species that live in the same place and time?
  3. What organelle contains DNA?
  4. Heredity information
  5. Function of a protozoan's contractile vacuole
    Water Balance
  6. Concentration Differences
    Concentration gradient
  7. Plasma membrane is where to the cell wall
  8. Hypertonic solution
    more solutes, less water
  9. movement of solutes from high to low concentration is what?
  10. Tissue Example
    leaf tissue
  11. Organ example
    eleoda leaf
  12. Organism example
    Eleoda plant
  13. Organisms
    Living things both large and small
  14. Tissue
    different cell types joined together
  15. Organs
    created by tissues and other things
  16. Organ systems
    Organs working together
  17. Population
    members of the same species that live in a particular place and time.
  18. Ecosystem
    describes a community (all populations) and nonliving portions (water, light, temperature)
  19. Biosphere
    includes all the ecosystems on earth
  20. Unicellular
    single cell
  21. Multicellular
    several cells
  22. DNA in Prokaryotic cells
    located in the cytoplasm , prokaryotic cells do not contain organelles thus no nucleus.
  23. Capsule
    material surrounding the cell wall of prokaryotic cells
  24. Chloroplast
    organelle that contains pigment to capture light energy for photosynthesis. Found in plants and algae
  25. Chromosome
    DNA, humans have 23 pairs
  26. Cilia
    small hair like filaments extending from cells, use to propel the cell or move materials around the cell
  27. Cytoplasm
    includes al the cell's contents inside the plasma membrane except the nucleus
  28. Cytoskeleton
    Protein strands that help maintain the cell structure. move materials around in cell
  29. Flagella
    long filaments from the cell to propel it
  30. Mitochondria
    Energy production
  31. Nuclear membrane
    boundary around the nucleus
  32. Nucleoid
    Containing DNA
  33. nucleolus
    within the nucleus where ribsome compnents are formed
  34. Nucleus
    DNA molecules, direct cell activities
  35. plasma membrane
    forms living boundary of all cells.
  36. ribosome
    protein sythesis
  37. Vacuole
    take up most of the cells volume
  38. annual/ growth rings
    rings on the tree trunk showing how many years of life
  39. xylem
    woody tissue that make up the rings
  40. hypotonic
    less solutes, more water
  41. hypertonic
    more solutes, less water
  42. isotonic
    same water concentration inside and outside the cell
  43. Brownian Movement
    Indirect indicator of molecular movement, the molecular collisions.
  44. Turgor pressure
    internal water pressure, that presses the vacuole against the plasma membrane and the membrane against the cell wall.
  45. Plasmolyzed
    plasma membrane pulled away from cell wall
  46. Monosacchrides
    one sugar
  47. polysaccharides
    many sugars
  48. homeostasis
    conditions allow enzymes to function properly
  49. Catalyst activity
    causes breakdown of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas. oxygen gas causes gas bubbles
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Bio 10 Lab Exam 1
Bio 10 Lab Exam 1 question for summer