World Cultures Unit 1 cards

  1. P'u
    • Simplicity: act/live naturally, things have power in simplest form
    • Often represented by an uncarved log
  2. Ch'i
    • The force that animates the universe-
    • Science
    • The FORCE
  3. Tao
    The path you must seek in life to find meaning/self-actualization
  4. Wu Wei
    • Non action- if one is in tune with Tao one can accomplish much by doing little
    • Doing what is necessary
    • Work hard and be patient to get results
    • Martial arts or tennis
  5. Tao Te Ching
    • Book said to be written by Lao Tzu when he was riding out of China, the book of Daoism
    • Translates to "The Way and its Power"
  6. Great Wall
    Was connected by Shih Huang Ti when he came to power to keep out the barbarians to the north, 2600 miles long
  7. Terracotta Warriors
    The army Shih Huang Ti ordered to be built as an army to accompany him to the afterlife
  8. Period of 100 Schools
    Period where philosophers thrived and many intellectual advances were made
  9. Warring States
    453-221 BCE: war between the seven states of china, Qin came out on top because they used scare tactics, cavalry, infantry and crossbows
  10. Golden Rule
    Do not do to others what you would not want to be done to yourself
  11. Filial Piety
    The respect due to one's parents in Confucianism, children should respect and take care of parents and ancestors as well as being obedient
  12. Analects
    Collection of sayings and ideas attributed to Confucius, believed to be written during warring states
  13. Hero
    Nameless and others harness Ch'i to be able to achieve supernatural qualities, water is key, non action as they do not have to fight but can visualize what will happen
  14. Anyang
    The capitol city of the Shang
  15. Mandate of Heaven
    Idea that the right to rule came from the gods, and that it was passed to a new person when the gods didnt favor the current ruler, and was shown in the form of natural disasters
  16. Dynastic Cycle
    Cycle of ruling, one person gets the mandate of heaven, does good for society, and then society starts to collapse, government gets corrupt, natural disasters happen, and the mandate is passed to a new person
  17. First Emperor
    The first emperor of China was Shih Huang Di
  18. Legalism
    By Shih Huang Ti, believed that the human kind was too flawed to be governed by morals alone, had to have a government with hard and fast laws and harsh punishment
  19. Taoism
    By Lao Tzu, follows the tao or way, often represented by water. Only actions that coincide with nature make sense, rejected behavious that were overly assertive or unnatural which claimed to be the root cause of violence, no desires
  20. Confucianism
  21. 5 Relationships
    • The five relationships were:
    • 1. Ruler-Subjects
    • 2. Father-Son
    • 3. Husband-Wife
    • 4. Older Brother-Younger Brother
    • 5. Older Friend-Younger Friend
  22. Individualism
  23. Meaninglessness
    • Having no meaning, not belonging; no purpose
    • Mankind's greatest fear
  24. Unknown
    Not knowing, we fear what we do not know, meaninglessness
  25. Human Nourishment
    (of human kind) Belonging, self esteem
  26. Human Dilemma
    We all have a finite existence, yet we understand the concept of infinity
  27. Vehicle of Expression
    • We express ourselves through our culture
    • ex. clothing, food, language, etc.
  28. Immortality
    • Living 'forever' through:
    • Becoming famous, artifacts, impact on someone's life/society, next generation;something that marks you in history such as monumental actions/accomplishments(civilizations, buildings)
  29. Power
    A person, group, or nation having great influence or control over others; power is neither created nor destroyed; came from the beginning, the land, power comes from the people, from the ruler

    a shared COOKIE!
  30. Oracle Bones
    Bones used in the Shang dynasty by oracles ordered by the king to discern the future, was done by cracking the bone with heat from fire and "reading" the crack lines
  31. Shih Huang Ti
    The first emperor of China, ruler of the Qin dynasty, founder of legalism
  32. Confucius
    Founder of Confucianism, believed in man's role in society and peaceful ways of settling disputes and family role in society
  33. Lao Tzu
    Founder of Daoism, believed in being natural and did not like the way society was run on morals
  34. Pooh Bear
  35. Yu
    Ruler of Xia dynasty who was skilled in building dams levies and irrigation systems to control China's rivers
  36. Xia
    First Dynasty of China, Yu the great
  37. Shang
    Rose from northern china, first to leave written records, built palaces and tombs
  38. Zhou
    Overthrew shang, first to have mandate of heaven, adopted much of shang culture
  39. Qin
Card Set
World Cultures Unit 1 cards
World Cultures Unit 1 Cards