History Final Review

  1. World War I took place from ______________.
  2. The Triple Entente included ______________, _____________,and ________________.
    Russia, Great Britain, and France
  3. The Triple Entente and the other countries that joined it later were known as the ________.
  4. The Triple Alliance included __________________, _____________,and ______________.
    Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary
  5. The members of the Triple Alliance were known as the ___________________.
    Central Powers
  6. Germany gave a “_____________” to Austria-Hungary.
    blank check
  7. The name of the British cruise ship (carrying some American passengers) that was sunk by a submarine was the _____________.
  8. ____________________, ________________,and ____________________ were all introduced during WWI.
    The submarine, the machine gun, and the airplane
  9. What weapon encouraged a stalemate during trench warfare?
    The machine gun
  10. The peace conference to end WWI was held at ___________.
  11. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk dealt with _______________________________.
    Russia withdrawing from the war
  12. The European territory received by the French after WWI was _______________.
  13. The international group of nations formed after WWI was the ____________________.
    League of Nations
  14. What country was recreated by the winners of WWI?
  15. ________________, ______________,and ____________ were created out of Russian land.
    Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia
    The leader of Russia before the Russian Revolution was _________________.
    Czar Nicholas II
  17. The Communist leader who took over Russia during WWI was ____________________.
    V. I. Lenin
  18. Communists are inspired by the writings of ______________.
    Karl Marx
  19. ___________ was the leader of the Bolsheviks.
  20. The Bolsheviks were _______________.
  21. Lenin’s New Economic Policy allowed a mixture of __________________ and ____________________.
    capitalism and socialism
  22. The Russian Civil War was between the ____________________ and ____________________.
    Communists and the anti-Communists
  23. A command economy is when ______________________________________.
    the government makes all economic decisions
  24. Stalin’s plans to modernize Russia were called the _________________.
    Five-Year Plans
  25. Stalin was responsible for the deaths of how many people?
    20 million
    Fascist governments are _______________, _______________,and ___________________.
    militaristic, nationalistic, and aggressive in foreign expansion
  27. ____________________ set up the first fascist government.
    Benito Mussolini
  28. In a totalitarian state, ________________________, ________________________,and _________________________.
    schools indoctrinate students, the government controls the economy, and the police spy on their own people
  29. Fascists hate communists because communists are __________________.
  30. The name of the democratic German government formed after WWI was the __________________.
    Weimar Republic
  31. The Germans hate their democratic government because it _________________________, __________________________,and _______________________.
    signed the Treaty of Versailles, it couldn’t get inflation under control, and because the economy was bad
  32. Fascism appealed to people because it ____________, _____________,and _________________.
    restored order, provided jobs, and was anti-Communist
  33. The first thing Hitler did to test the Treaty of Versailles was _________________________.
    to send troops to the Rhineland
  34. Hitler took over ______________, _____________,and ___________________.
    Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Austria.
  35. France and Britain followed the policy of appeasement when _____________________, _______________________,and ____________________________.
    they allowed German soldiers in the Rhineland, during the annexation or Austria, and during the Munich Pact
  36. In the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, ____________________________ and ______________________________ . ____________________.
    Germany and the USSR promised not to attack each other, and they agreed that Poland was being divided between Germany and the USSR. Part of the Pact was secret.
  37. [WORLD WAR II]
    A blitzkrieg is when _____________________________________________________.
    a country attacks by bombing from the air and then sending in ground troops
  38. Hitler invaded these countries in this order: ___________, ____________, ____________, and _______________.
    Poland, Denmark, Belgium, France
  39. The Allied plan in North Africa was to ____________________ and _____________________.
    push the Germans to the center of North Africa and then push north
  40. The turning point in North Africa was the battle of ______________.
    El Alamein
  41. The turning point of the war in the USSR was ____________.
  42. D-Day, the turning point in the war in Europe, took place on _______________.
    June 6, 1944
  43. Germany Surrendered to the allies in ___________.
    May 1945
  44. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on ___________________.
    December 7, 1941
  45. The turning point in the war in the Pacific was _______.
  46. The Americans decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan because ___________________ and ________________________.
    the Americans believed the Japanese would not surrender without any more deaths and wanted to avoid more American casualties
  47. The Americans dropped the atomic bombs on ______________ and ______________.
    Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  48. How many Jewish people were killed in the Holocaust?
    Six million
  49. Most of the concentration camps were located in _____________ and ___________.
    Poland and Germany
  50. After WWII, the people who were responsible for WWII and the Holocaust were put on trial in _______________ and ____________________.
    Nuremberg and punished according to the verdict
  51. [THE COLD WAR]
    The goal of the Marshall Plan was to _______________________________.
    strengthen democracies by helping them build
  52. The goal of the Truman Doctrine was to ______________________________.
    contain the spread of communism
  53. The west decided to airlift supplies into Berlin because _____________________________,but __________________________________ .
    part of Berlin belonged to West Germany, but Stalin wouldn’t allow them to deliver supplies by land through East Germany
  54. The purpose of NATO was to ________________________________.
    provide a defense alliance system in case a democratic member nation was attacked
  55. ________________ and ____________________ are part of the United Nations.
    The General Assembly and the Security Council
  56. [THE MODERN WORLD TERMS] (vocab)
    economic restructuring to allow some capitalism
  57. Glasnost
    government openness
  58. Iron Curtain
    an imaginary line between communists and noncommunists
  59. Apartheid
    separation of the races
  60. Satyagraha
    Civil disobedience
    The problems in the USSR included ______________, _______________,and _______________.
    Soviet republics wanting independence, overcrowded housing, and a shortage of medical supplies
  62. ____________ allowed new freedoms in the USSR, which led to its collapse.
  63. ____________ was the first country to withdraw from the USSR.
  64. The Berlin Wall fell in ________.
  65. The governments in Eastern Europe fell so quickly because the USSR said _______________________________.
    it would no longer support Communist rulers
  66. ____________ took over as President of Russia after Gorbachev lost power and support after an attempted coup.
    Boris Yeltsin
  67. __________ established that the President has more power than the Duma (legislature) when he sent in soldiers to kick them out of the building when they refused to go.
  68. All of the following are true about Russians: _________________, ______________,and ___________________.
    President Putin ruled Russia as a virtual dictator, Russians are economically worse off than they were under Communist rule, and medical care is inadequate
    The leader of the Communists during the civil war was _________________.
    Mao Tse-tung
  70. The leader of the Nationalists (KMT) was _____________.
    Chinag Kai-shek
  71. The Long March was when __________________________.
    Mao Tse-tung and his army retreated from their enemies
  72. When Japan invaded China before World War II, ____________ joined together to fight the Japanese.
    the Nationalists (KMT) and the Communists
  73. After World War II was over, the Nationalists ______________________.
    lost the civil war and fled to Taiwan
  74. The Communists came to power in ________.
  75. The goal of the Great Leap Forward was to __________________________.
    have an agricultural and industrial revolution at the same time
  76. Mao believed non-Communists should be _________.
  77. During the Cultural Revolution, what did teens and young adults do?
    They went around beating and killing non-Communists.
  78. All of the following is true about Mao: ______________________.
    Mao died peacefully while still in power, he was responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and Mao was not as consistently strict or as paranoid as Stalin
  79. After Mao, what did Deng Xiaoping allow in the south of China?
    some private businesses
  80. What happened in 1989 at Tiananmen Square?
    Students protested for freedom were killed by the military.
    At one time, South Africa was a colony of ____________ and ___________.
    the British and the Dutch
  82. All of the following are true about how blacks were treated: ________________________________.
    blacks were required to carry identification papers at all times, blacks were not allowed to vote or participate in the government, and blacks and whites were segregated
  83. Two places peaceful black protestors were killed by white police are _______ and ________.
    Sharpeville and Soweto
  84. The white President who helped bring about an end to apartheid was _______________.
    Federik William de Klerk
  85. The first black president of South Africa was _________.
    Nelson Mandela
  86. To bring peace to South Africa, what did the Truth and Reconciliation Commission program do?
    It let people talk about what they did.
  87. [IRAN]
    What did students do to the Americans at the embassy in Iran?
    They took the Americans hostage.
  88. The hostages were held for _____ days.
  89. The U.S. sold weapons to both sides during the ___________ war.
  90. Saddam Hussein invaded Iran because of ___________________.
    border disputes, he felt they had supported Kurdish rebels in Iraq, and he feared the Islamic revolution would spread to Iraq
    How many countries are in the European Union?
    27 countries
  92. Which country does not use the Euro?
    Great Britain
  93. Problems in the EU include: _____________________________.
    high unemployment, a low birth rate, and difficulties integrating immigrants
  94. Which 2 countries rejected the EU Constitution.
    France and the Netherlands.
  95. [INDIA]
    Gandhi practiced ___________, which means non- violent resistance.
  96. At Amritsar, what did the British do?
    They shot peaceful protesters.
  97. Gandhi marched 240 miles to the sea to ________________________.
    protest the British monopoly on salt
  98. India was divided into two countries in 1947 because _________________________.
    the Hindus and the Muslims wanted to be separate
  99. Gandhi was assassinated by a ____________________.
    Hindu who hated Gandhi for being friendly to Muslims
  100. The three countries whose land used was to make up the British colony of India are _________, __________, and ____________.
    India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
Card Set
History Final Review
Review for Final for Burch's class