Test Two

  1. Seeing the expressed idea or problem from the speaker's point of view.
    Active Listening
  2. Responding to others by offering a solution.
    Advising Response
  3. Any behavior that is intended to hurt someone, either verbally or physically.
  4. The feeling of extreme displeasure, usually brought about by interferance with our needs or desires.
  5. A mild form of anger.
  6. An unpleasant, threatening feeling that something bad is about to happen; the basis of the fear is not generally understood.
  7. To accept as fact without any evidence of proof.
    Assume or Assumptions in Communication
  8. One of the four levels of normal listening; paying attention and focusing energy on the words that are being said.
    Attentive Listening
  9. Questions that often result in yes, no, or a very short response.
    Closed Questions
  10. The process of conveying feelings, attitudes, facts, beliefs, and ideas between individuals, either verbally or nonberbally, and being understood in the way intended.
  11. Things that stop, block, prevent, or hinder the communication process.
    Communication Barriers
  12. The medium through which a message passes from sender to reciever.
    Communication Channels
  13. A process involving three parts: 1) a sender of the message, 2) a receiver of the message, and 3) the content of the message.
    Communication Process
  14. Norms about when, where, and how much individuals from different cultures should show emotions.
    Cultural Display Rules (in emotions)
  15. Emotions that prevent a person from functioning effectively.
    Debilitative Emotions
  16. The process in which a receiver attaches meaning to a message.
  17. The earliest pleasant reaction (emotion), appearing in the form of smiling, gurgling, and other babyish sounds of joy.
  18. Negative or harmful stress that causes a person to constantly readjust or adapt.
  19. Short responses inviting the other person to share his/her ideas, judgments, or feelings.
    Door Openers
  20. A situation in which the nonverbal message contradicts the verbal message.
    Double Bind in Communication
  21. A condition of imbalance in which feelings are trapped instead of expressed.
    Emotional Debt
  22. The ability to monitor, access, express, and regulate one's own emotions; the capacity to identify, interpret, and understand others' emotions; and teh ability to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.
    Emotional Intelligence
  23. Phrases when combined with different mood levels that can cause an individual to verbally react in inappropriate ways.
    Emotion-packed Phrases
  24. Feelings that are experience.
  25. The fifth level, known as the highest form of listening to others; listening with the intent to understand.
    Empathetic Listening
  26. An active process in which you try to learn all you can about another person rather than having only a superficial awareness.
  27. The process of putting thoughts into symbols - most commonly words.
  28. Includes such elements in the physical environment as temperature, a show on television, music on a stereo, loud traffic, or any other external event or distracting influences.
    External Noise
  29. Emotions that contribute to effective functioning.
    Facilitative Emotions
  30. The feeling associated with expectancies of unpleasantness.
  31. The process by which the sender clarifies how his or her message is being received and interpreted.
  32. A healing process involving six stages, whereby painful past experiences are put into perspective and one gets on with life, unencumbered by excess emotional baggage.
  33. This means being honest and open about one's feelings, needs, and ideas - being what one really is without front or facade.
  34. The process of working through the stages of grief so that it becomes a positive growth experience.
    Good Grief
  35. To be deprived of someone or something very important; sometimes referred to as mourning.
    Grief and Bereavement
  36. The process of freeing ourselves emotionally from the deceased and readjusting to life without that person.
  37. The realization of sorrow over having done soemthing morally, socially, or ethically wrong.
  38. May be thought of as intense anger felt toward a specific person or persons.
  39. The physiological sensory process by which auditory sensations are received by the ears and transmitted by the brain.
  40. Entering a conversation or situation with a special interest in mind, a grudge that we are wanting to bring into the open, or even a "chip on our shoulders."
    Hidden Agenda
  41. A mild form of anger/hate directed to a specific person or group.
  42. One of the four levels of general listening, bettwer known as not really listening at all.
    Ignoring while Listening
  43. Emotions that are debilitative - they disrupt our overall functioning.
    Intense Emotions
  44. Includes such things as a headach, lack of sleep, daydreaming, preoccupation with other problems, or even a preconceived idea that the message is going to be unimportant or uninteresting.
    Internal Noise
  45. A filter though which all information recieved is processed. This filter consists of prejudices, past experiences, hopes, and anxieties.
    Internal Psychological Filter
  46. A response in which the receiver tries to tell the sender what his or her problem really is and how the sender really feels about the situations.
    Interpretative Response
  47. One of Hall's four distance zones, ranging from skin contact to 18 inches.
    Intimate Distance
  48. A response that shows that the receiver is making a judgement about the motive, personality, or reasoning of the sender.
    Judging Response
  49. The science of study of nonverbal communication.
  50. An intelletual and emotional process that integrates physical, emotional, and intellectual inputs in a search for meaning and understanding.
  51. Listening to what is said between the lines and without words, what is expressed soundlessly, and what the speaker feels and thinks.
    Listening with the Third Ear
  52. Whe the satisfaction, security, and development of another person is as important to you as your own satisfaction, security, and development; also referred to as the desire to see another individual become all they can be as a person - with room to breathe and grow.
  53. Emotions that are facilitative - they assist us in preparing for the future, solving problems, and in doing what is best for us.
    Mild Emotions
  54. Brief indicators to the speaker indicating that the receiver is still listening.
    Minimal Encourages
  55. Emotions that are combinations of primary emotions.
    Mixed Emotions
  56. A general feeling tone.
  57. Anxiety experienced when the quality of the threatening experience is blown out of proportion to the actual danger posed, and to the point that the anxiety hinders daily functioning.
    Neurotic Anxiety
  58. Messages expressed by other than linguistic means.
    Nonverbal Communication
  59. Communcation in which a receiver provides no feedback to a sender.
    One-Way Communication
  60. Questions that provide space for the speaker to explore his or her thoughts.
    Open Questions
  61. Nonlinguistic means of vocal expression: tone, rate, pitch, and so on.
  62. Stating the essence of the other person's spoken words in your own words.
  63. To repeat exactly the speaker's words.
  64. Six steps commonly referred to as the idea, encoding, transmission, receiving, decoding, and understanding.
    Parts of a Communication Transaction
  65. One of Hall's four distance zones, ranging from 18 inches to 4 feet.
    Personal Distance
  66. An individual who conceals his or her own feelings.
  67. Anxiety that helps individals get energized to deliver their best, such as mild tension before going for a job interview.
    Preparation Anxiety
  68. One of the four levels of normal listening,. Some examples are "Yeah. Uh-huh. Right."
    Pretending while Listening
  69. Basic emotions identified by R. Pluchick as joy, acceptance, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation; identified by Gary Emery and James Campbell as mad, sad, glad, and scared.
    Primary Emotions
  70. One of Hall's four distance zones, ranging outward from 12 feet.
    Public Distance
  71. A response that indicates that the receiver wants to probe the sender for additional information and to discuss the issue further.
    Questioning Response
  72. Uncontrolled, intense anger and implies that the anger is express through violent physical activity.
  73. A situation in which the emotional, feeling, and irrational characteristics of a person are communicated.
    Reacting to Others
  74. A defense mechanism consisting of the exclusion of paoinful, unwanted, or dangerous thoughts and impulses from the conscious mind.
  75. Chronic anger resulting from unresonlved anger at an injustice.
  76. Paraphrasing the essence of the speaker's content and mirroring back to the speaker the emotions which he/she is communicating.
    Responding Reflectively
  77. A situation in which the rational, thinking, logical part of a person is communicated.
    Responding to Others
  78. One of the four levels of normal listening, known as hearing only certain parts of the conversation.
    Selective Listening
  79. The study of the meaning and changes of meaning in words.
  80. One of Hall's four distance zones, randing from 4 to 12 feet.
    Social Distance
  81. A response that shows the receiver's intent is to reassure, comfort, or minimize the intense feelings of the sender.
    Supportive Response
  82. A defense mechanism in which people are conscious of their emotions, but deliberately control rather than express them.
  83. Such things as the selection of words, tone and pitch of voice, nonverbal method, or even types of supportive materials.
    Symbols of Communication
  84. An involuntary feeling - the passive experience of sharing another person's fear, grief, anger or joy.
  85. An exchange of information in which the receiver deliberately provides feedback to a sender.
    Two-Way Communication
  86. This response indicates that the receiver is seeking to fully understand what the sender is actually saying. This is the most effective way of responding to others and requires the skills of active listening, sometimes referred to as empathetic listening.
    Understanding Response
  87. The expression of words; language.
    Verbal Communication
Card Set
Test Two
Test Two