Science 10 Chemistry Quiz

  1. What are the names of the periodic table groups from left to right?
    Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, post-transition metals, metalloids, noble gases.
  2. What are the properties of alkali metals?
    • ion charge +1
    • low density, soft
    • silver
    • low melting point
    • conductive
    • reactive
  3. What are the properties of alkaline earth metals?
    • ion charge +2
    • low density, hard
    • solid at room temp
    • conductive
    • very reactive
  4. What are the properties of halogens?
    • not found alone in nature, too reactive
    • instead found in compounds often with alkali metals
    • toxic in elemental form
    • bright colours as gases
    • low boiling point
  5. What are the properties of noble gases?
    • tasteless, odourless, colourless, non-toxic
    • full valence shell
    • non-reactive
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Science 10 Chemistry Quiz
science chemistry stuff