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A list of all employees and their earnings, deductions and other info is called
A Employee earnings
B Accounts payable
C Payroll tasks
D Employee financial listing
E Payroll register
A payers own check that is guaranteed by the bank is called a
A money order
B guaranteed check
C counter check
D certified check
E cashiers check
Recording financial transaction in a book keeping or accounting system is called
A superbill
B trial balance
C ledger
D deducting
E Posting
Paper towels are considered
A durable items
B capital equipment
C incidental items
D clinical supplies
E expendable items
Amounts charged with suppliers or creditors that remain unpaid are referred to as
A accounts payable
B accounts receivable
C account balances
D assets
E Bookkeeping
a collection ratio is
A amount of money collected this year divided by the amount of money last year
B total collections divided by net charges
C total collections divded by gross charges
D total amount of money collected
E none of the above
portion of salary withheld from payroll for taxes
A annual tax returns
B w-4 forms
C Federa unemployment tax act
D withholding
Which of the following may be used bya payer as a third party check
A travelers check
B bank draft
C payroll check
D cashiers check
E payers personal check
A billing statement should include
A patients name and address
B services rendered
C balance due to the patient
D Both B and C
E All of the above
Which of the following due dates for employers quarterly federal tax returns is NOT correct
A October 31
B January 31
C April 30
D July 31
E June 30
Aging accounts receivable
A is a tool to show the status of each account
B is not necessary in a single dr office
C involves writing off accounts that over 5 yrs past due
D means the physician must collect the receivables on time
E involves writting off accounts that are over 1 yr past due
a piece of paper describing a purchase and the amount due is known as a
A disbursment
B packing slip
C vendor
D invoice
E inventory
Evaluation of collection is based on
A the collection ratio
B the accounts receivable ratio
C the bank statement balance
D Both A and B
E All of the above
Which of the following statements regarding state unemployment tax is correct
A only employees mush make a payment
B only employers must make a payment
C a few states require both employees and employers to make a payment
D a few states do not make it available
E none of the above
The accounts receivable ratio shows
A the dollar value of the services performed
B how fast outstanding accounts are being paid
C the number of outstanding accounts
D Both B and C
E Both A and B
What is the trial balance
A a daily summary
B accrual accounting
C an accounting system
D a way of checking the accuracy of accounts
E bookkeeping
Cash amounts that are paid out are called
A Disbursments
B statements
C receivables
D payables
E None of the above
A vendors invoice should be kept on file for at least how long
A 3 yr
B 5 yr
C 1 yr
D 10 yr
E As long as the practice exists
The reviewing of financial data to verify accuracy and completeness is called
A taking a trial balance
B withholding taxes
C accounts payable
D annual tax returns
E auditing
Which of the following does debit mean
A subtract
B balance
C total
D subtotal
E charge
When new supplies are received, you should
A throw out the old ones
B place them in the front of the supply area
C place them in the back of the supply area
D inventory all supplies
E Both A and D
A bank draft is a check drawn by a bank
A on its funds in another bank
B on the guaranteed funds of a depositor
C that can be used as a third party check
D that is not limited
E that is less reliable than a cashiers check
The credit policies of a medical facility
A should include a specification of when the practice requires payment
B should be in writing
C should vary depending on a patients circumstances
D Both A and B
E Both B and C
Petty cash may be used
A paying an invoice for supplies ordered
B for paying minor incidental expenses such as public transportation fees
C paying the electric bill
D only by the physician
E only in emergencies
Which type of check is used for payroll because it itemizes the purposes for the check and deductions
A voucher check
B certified check
C bank draft
D cashiers check
E limited check
An amount that constitutes an addition to revenue is called
A Charge
B Credit
C Equity
D Payables
E Debit
A disadvantage of single-entry bookkeeping is that it
A is hard to learn
B Is the most expensive system to set up
C makes errors hard to spot
D is very rare in medical practices
E is time consuming
Which of the following statements is true about a typical purchasing procedure in a medical office
A an authorized person should be in charge of purchasing
B receipts of goods shold be recorded
C high quality goods should be ordered at the lowest price
D shipments should be checked agains packing slips
E All of the above
Which of the following is an appropriate collection technique
A calling patienst at work to remind them
B threatening legal action
C calling patients at home after 10 pm
D Sending a payment reminder in the form of a statement or letter when the account is 30 past due
E None of the above is approptiate
The calculation that results from adding deposits in transit and subtracting outstanding checks from the bank balance at the end of the month is the
A record of deposits
B record of disbursements
C checkbook balance
D adjusted bank balance
Card Set
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