College Math Ch 5

  1. Qualitative Data
    Describes qualities or non-numerical categories
  2. Quantitative Data
    represents counts or measurements
  3. Qualitative Data
    Describes qualities or non-numerical catagories: Not numbers
  4. Population
    In a statistical study is the complete set of people or things being studied.
  5. Sample
    Is the subset of a population from which the raw data are actually obtained.
  6. Population Parameters
    Are the specific characteristics of the population that a statistical study is designed to estimate
  7. Sample Statistics
    Are numbers or observations that summarize the raw data.
  8. Representative Sample
    Is a sample in which the relevant characteristics of the sample members match those of the population.
  9. Simple Random Sampling
    Sampling method that randomly chooses subjects w/ no order or specific criteria
  10. Systematic Sampling
    Sampling Method that uses a method or specific way to choose the subjects
  11. Convenience Sampling
    Sampling method that uses convenince in choosing its subjects.
  12. Stratified Sampling
    Sampling Method that chooses a subset with in a subset
  13. Observational Study
    1 of 2 different study methods. Based on observation. No contact. No affecting population.
  14. Experiment
    1 of 2 study methods: Apply treatment to some or all the members of a study.
  15. Treatment Group
    the group that receives treatment in an experiment study
  16. Control Group
    The group that does not receive treament in an experiment study. May get a placebo.
  17. Placebo
    Fake treatment. example: sugar pill
  18. Placebo Effect
    False effects. All in your mind. Because you received a treatment, you believe you feel the effects.
  19. Single Blind
    An experiment when the participants do not know whether they are members of the treatment or the control group, but the experimenters do.
  20. Double Blind
    An experiment when neither the participants nor the experimenters know who belongs to the treatment or control groups.
  21. Case Control Study
    An observational studay that resembles an experiment because the sample naturally divides into 2 or more groups.
  22. Statistics

    The science of statistics which helps us collect, organzie and interpet data

    (are the data that describe or summarize something)
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College Math Ch 5
Chapter 5 ABDE