The Better Part Page 950 (section 287) from Jn 15
Christ constantly seeking me and assisting me
My choice withdrew you from the world. There was never a time when I wasn't thinking of you. I have watched over you since the moment of your conception, and I have loved you since before time began. I searched you out as you grew up, whispering in your heart and preparing you to hear my invitation in your life. I kept inviting you many times until you accepted. I am the one who chose you to be my companion, disciple, and ambassador. An I am the one who will give you the strength and light you need to persevere in this labor of faith and love. You must never think that everything depends on you. That is too much for you. You are my adjutant, my helper, my messenger. I will protect you. I will teach you and show you the way to go. You have committed your life to me, and now you belong to me, and so all your challenges and troubles are mine. You are my problem now; let me carry you.